French Culture
French People
French Places
French Food

The proper form a greeting a friend in France

What is la BISE? This is the proper form a greeting where people usually kiss each other on each cheek lightly


This woman has won 2 Nobel prizes and was known for her work with radioactivity

Who is Marie Curie


Was created to be one of the main attractions of the Paris World’s Fair and was meant to be temporary. One of the most popular landmarks in France.

What is the Eiffel Tower


This item is similar to the pancake expect the fact that it is thinner and served with different toppings sometimes

What is a crêpe


This race hase been occurring in France for over 100 years

What is le Tour de France


When engaging in a conversation, even with stranger, one is expected to do what?

What is greeting (Bonjour!) In France it is very impolite to start a conversation with someone without a proper greeting


He was a military leader who also took control of France at the end of the French Revolution 

Who is Napoléon


This building use to be a palace for the French Kings and Queens Of France but, is now turned into museum.

What is the Le Louvre


This item is a mix a small cookie and cake and comes in extravagant colors

What is a un macaron


What is the country of France known as due to its shape

L’Hexagone, Hexagon


Unlike in the United States, In France wearing what type of clothing is rather weird and informal?

Wearing any athletic clothing such as joggers, sweatpants, etc . . . Is considered informal and weird


This person is the current President of France

Who is Emmanuel Marcon


This building was built in the 13th century and is set to reopen to the public in the summer of 2024

What is the Cathedral of Notre Dame 


This item is a type of bread

what is une baguette


This occurs when you turn a Baguette upside down in France

What is unlucky (Mauvaise chance)


Quelle fête célèbre les morts et quel jour ?

Qu'est-ce que c'est La Toussaint le 1er novembre


This king was the longest serving monarch in France also known as “The Sun King”

Who is Louis the XIV


This palace is where the Kings and Queens of France used to live

What is the Palace of Versailles or Le Louvre


This item is a French desert which is similar to ice cream

What is Mousse


French was the official language of this country for 300 years

What is England


In Mardi Gras a special cake is made where a King figurine is hidden inside of a cake which symbolises luck and prosperity

La Galette des Rois


A very well know French actor who recently took Russian citizenship? 

Who is Gerard Depardieu


This area of land is most renowned for its Rolling hills filled with lavender

What is Provence


This food is found in the ocean and is considered a delicacy around the world. It usually has a grey or white look in appearance.

What is an oyster (Une huître)


It is Illegal to do what on train platforms

What is kissing