famous landmarks
Famous people

The current French Presifent.

Who is Emmanuel Macron?


The iconic structure that towers over Paris and is one of the national symbols of France.

What is the Eiffel Tower?


A french fashion designer that now make luxury bags, clothing, parfume, and other goods. This brand is extremely popular for having the LV logo

Who is Louis Vuitton?


The year that started the french revolution, and ended absolute Monarchy.

When was 1789?


A soup mostly made of onions and is topped with cheese and croutons.

What is French Onion soup?


 The 2 houses of the French Parliament.

What is the Senate and National Assembly?


The mountain that the Mer de Glace glacier is located on

Where is Mont Blanc?


Another French luxury brand designer. She is famous for creating the Chanel No.5 Perfume and created the "little black dress".

Who is Coco Chanel?


A king that reigned for a long time and was known for the saying "L'État, c'est moi" (I am the state)?

Who is King Louis XIV?


A pastry made with layers of dough that typically has a light, flaky texture.

What is a puff Pastry?


A major event happened in 1789 that officially ended absolute Monarchy and the beginning of the French Revolution. 

What is the Storming of the Bastille?


 The small island off the coast of Normandy that is known for its beautiful old medieval architecture.

What is Mont Saint-Michel


He was a former emperor of France, high ranking military leader, and known for his campaigns during the Napoleonic Wars.

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?


Signed in 1919 in the palace of Versailles, this treaty ended WW1 and put reparations on Germany

What was the Treaty of Versailles?


A french dessert made with a rich, chocolatey filling. Served in smaller cups.

What is mousse au chocolat?


The highest position of court in France that looks over the constitutionality of laws.

What is the constitutional council?


An amphitheatre on the south side of France that is one of the most well preserved ancient theatres made by the Romans.

What is the Nimes Arena?


French Saint and Heroine, got executed in 1431 and played a major role in leading French military to victory.

Who was Joan of Arc.


What tension between France and Britain caused a war that lasted 1337 to 1453 which drastically increased military power and dynamics in Europe.

What was "the 100 Year War?"


A dessert made from layers of puff pastries and cream usually with icing and powdered sugar on top. 

What is Mille-feuille?


A document, founded in 1789, started French democracy and the rights of citizens.

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?


the name of the old chateau located in the Loire Valley, known for its iconic Renaissance architecture and large, extensive gardens.

What is Château de Chambord?


She was the first woman to win a Nobel prize, she was a chemist and physicist, and one awards in both categories.

Who is Marie Curie?


Which conflict that happened in 1968 caused protests and strikes in France that caused major Social and Political changes to the country.

What are the May 1968 events or Mai 68?


Tradition dish made from thin sliced potatoes and baked with cream and cheese.

What is gratin dauphinois?