Starts with a b and is like a word jumble of the English version
(what is) bleu
first day of the week
(what is) lundi
what is 100 (one-hundred) in francais
(what is) cent
how do you say the last letter of the alphabet in francais
and you? en francais (formal and familiar)
(what is) et toi?, et vous?
The name of a flower, starts with r
(what is) rose
Friday in francais
(what is) vendredi
what is vingt-et-un in English
(what is) 21 (twenty one)
spell COUNTRY in francais
(what is) say, o, ooh, n, tay, air, egrec
the sum of 3 and 6 en francais
The color of the sun
(what is) jaune
last month of the year
(what is) decembre
comment dit-on 2020 (this year)
what is deux mil vingt
spell JAUNE
(what is) j, ah, ooh, n, uh
light grey en francais
(what is) pale gris
has 5 letters, is a primary color
(what is) rouge
all the days of the week
(what is) lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche
count backwards from 10 en francais
(what is) dix, neuf, huit, sept, six, cinq, quatre, trois, deux, un
spell ALPHABET in francais
(what is) ah, elle, pay, ash, ah, bay, uh, tay
where was Madam D born
(what is) martinique
name all the colors of the rainbow in order (en francais)
(what is) rouge, orange, jaune, vert, bleu, violette
all the months
(what is) janvier, fevrier, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, aout, septembre, octobre, novembre, decembre
count by hundreds to 500
(what is) cent, deux cent, trois cent, quatre cent, cinq cent
say the entire french alphabet
(what is) ah, bay, say, day, uh, eff, jay, ash, ee, jee, ka, elle, m, n, o, pay, cue, air, s, tay, ooh, vey, dooble ve, ix, egrec, zed
name five francophone countries
(what is)...(if Madam D approves it is correct)