French Christmas
French New Year
French Winter
French Valentine's Day
French Easter

Mommy: What is Christmas in French?

Tania: What is cookies in French?

Noor: Quel est boule à neige en anglais, Noor?

Mommy: Noel ( I couldn't put the accent)

Tania: Biscuits

Noor: Snowglobe


Mommy: What is a day in French?

Tania: What is a calendar in French?

Noor: Quel est rassemblement en anglais?

Mommy: jour

Tania: Calendrier

Noor: gathering


Mommy: What is ice in French?

Tania: What is February in French?

Noor: What is a hoodie in French?

Mommy: la glace

Tania: Fevrier

Noor: sweat a capuche


Mommy: Quel est Cupidon en anglais?

Tania: Quel est amis/aimes en anglais?

Noor: Quel est l'amour en anglais?

Mommy: Cupid

Tania: friends

Noor: love


Mommy: What is April in French?

Tania: What is the 4th of April in French?

Noor: What are eggs in French? 200 points if you say what Easter eggs are.

Mommy: avril

Tania: 4 avril

Noor: des oeufs 

BONUS: oeufs de Paques


Mommy: What is Santa in French? Hint: Father Christmas

Tania: Tuti, what is Gingerbread in French?

Noor: Noor, Quel est bas en anglais?

Mommy: Pere Noel (again forgot the accent)

Tania: pain d'epice

Noor: stockings


Mommy: What is Happy New Year! in French?

Tania: What is invite in French?

Noor: What are fireworks in French?

Mommy: Bonne Annee! (forgot the accent)

Tania: inviter

Noor: feux d'artifice

Mommy: What are gloves in French?

Tania: What are the boots in French?

Noor: What is a scarf in French?

Mommy: Les gants

Tania: Les bottes

Noor: echarpe


Mommy: What is pink in French?

Tania: What is a card in French?

Noor: What is a box of chocolates in French?

Mommy: rose

Tania: carte

Noor: boite de chocolats


Mommy: What is a parade in French?

Tania: What is a miracle in French?

Noor: Quel est lapin en anglais?

Mommy: parade

Tania: miracle

Noor: bunny/rabbit


Mommy: Mommy, what is Mrs. Claus in French?

Tuti: Tuti, what is an angel in French?

Noor: Nuni, what is bells in French?

Mommy: Mme. Claus

Tuti: ange

Noor: cloches


Mommy: What is new in French?

Tania: What is "in with the new" in French?

Noor: What is noisemaker in French? 

Mommy: Nouvelle/nouveau

Tania: avec le nouveau

Noor: fauteur de trouble


Mommy: What is Hot Chocolate in French?

Tania: What is a blanket in French?

Noor: What is freeze in French?

Mommy: Chocolat Chaud

Tania: couverture

Noor: Geler


Mommy: Quel est rouge en anglais?

Tania: Quel est La Saint-Valentin en anglais?

Noor: Quel est admirateur en anglais?

Mommy: red

Tuti: Valentine's Day

Noor: admirer


Mommy: Quel est carrotte en anglais?

Tania: Quel est colorant en anglais?

Noor: What is a tradition in French?

Mommy: carrot

Tania: dye/colour

Noor: tradition


Mommy: What is snow in French?

Tania: Quel est cadeaux en anglais?

Noor: What is garland in French?

Mommy: La Neige

Tania: Gifts/presents

Noor: guirlande


Mommy: What is a party in French?

Tania: What are sparklers in French?

Noor: What are streamers in French?

Mommy: fete

Tania: cierges

Noor: banderole


Mommy: What is fun in French?

Tania: What are games in French?

Noor: What is snowman in French?

Mommy: amusement

Tania: jeux

Noor: bonhomme de neige


Mommy: Quel est sois a moi en anglais?

Tania: Quel est fleurs en anglais?

Noor: Quel est "arc et des fleches" en anglais?

Mommy: be mine

Tania: flowers

Noor: bow and arrow


Mommy: What is Good Friday in French?

Tania: What is holiday in French?

Noor: Quel est Dimanche des Rameaux en anglais? I'll give you a hint for Rameaux. _______ Tree. You find it on islands.

Mommy: Bon vendredi

Tania: vacances

Noor: Palm Sunday


Mommy: What are children in French?

Tania: Quel est châtaignes en anglais?

Noor: Quel est usine de jouets en anglais?

Mommy: Les enfants

Tania: Chestnuts

Noor: Toy factory


Mommy: What is January in French (spell it out)

Tania: What is gown in French?

Noor: What is countdown in French?

Mommy: janvier

Tania: la robe

Noor: compte a rebours


Mommy: What is a fart in French?

Tania: What are ice skates in French?

Noor: What are earmuffs in French?

Mommy: pet

Tania: patins a glace

Noor: cache-oreilles


Mommy: Quel est pigeons en Anglais? Hint: it's not pigeons, it's white, lives in the water, beautiful.

Tania: Quel est relation amicale en Anglais?Hint: He is building ____________ with his new roomate.

Noor: Quel est quatorzième jour de février en Anglais? No hints needed, too easy!

Mommy: doves

Tania: friendship

Noor: Fourteenth day of February


Mommy: Quel est ovale en anglais?

Tania: Quel est chasser en anglais?

Noor: What is a rainbow in French?

Mommy: oval

Tania: hunt

Noor: arc en ciel