How do you say his in french?
what does son père mean
his father
How to Say His In French
What Is The Dad In French
Le Père
How do you say friend in french
How do you say my dad in french
mon pere
what does ma mère mean?
my mom
How Do You Say His Father In French
Son Père
What Is The Mom In French
La Mère
how do you say my nephew in french
mon neveu
how do you say my step brother in french
mon demi-frère
what does ma grand-mère mean
my grandma
How Do You Say Your Mom In French
ta mère
What Is The Daughter In Law In French
La bru
what does le chiot du chien du neveu de mon père mean
my dad's nephew's dog's puppy
what does mon animal de compagnie mean
my pet
what does la tante de mon père mean
my dads aunt
How Do You Say My Cousins In French
Mes cousins and Mes cousines are both correct
What Is The Cousin's sister In French
la sœur des cousins
what does le neveu de ma mère mean
my moms nephew
How do you say my fourth cousin in french
mon quatrième cousin
what does le cousin au troisième degré de ma mère mean
my moms third cousin
How Do You Say My Pet In French
mon animal de compagnie
What Is The Neighbour In French
Le voisin and La voisine
what does this mean? La mere du parrain du troisieme cousin de mon pere
my dad's third cousin's godfather's mom