Also France but a little weird

Je ne sais pas. 

I don't know


Quel âge as-tu?

J'ai -- ans. 


What shape is France similar to?

A hexagon


In France, it is possible to marry a -- person.

A dead person. 

(primarily to legally legitimize children of a deceased partner, especially in cases where a woman was pregnant at the time of the partner's death; originated in the Napoleonic era BUT!!! there must be clear evidence that the deceased person intended to marry their partner while alive)


France and its territories cover the most time zones with how many?

12 time zones


Comme on fait son lit, on se couche.

“You’ve made your bed, now lie on it.”


Tu es dans un restaurant

Qu'est-ce que tu voudrais?

Je voudrais ---


Which 21-stage, 23-day, 2,200-mile men’s bike race is held each summer and ends at the Champs-Élysées?

Tour de France


Which country on the French Riviera is the 2nd smallest in the world?

Monaco (In 1419, Monaco gained control of its own sovereignty from French control after Lambert Grimaldi convinced the French king Charles VIII to grant it independence. King Louis XII recognized Monaco in 1512 with the signing of a document that also declared a perpetual alliance with the king of France; present day - the French government takes responsibility for Monaco's defense, while Monaco only has a small police force and palace guard )


Which francophone country is only half of an island?



"Les murs ont des oreilles"

“The walls have ears.”


Combien de personnes ont les cheveux blonds?



How tall is the Eiffel Tower?

330 meters, or 1082.68 feet


What is known as the underground ossuaries(a container or room in which the bones of dead people are placed) in Paris, France, which holds the remains of more than six million people in a small part of a tunnel network built to consolidate Paris' ancient stone quarries?

Catacombes de Paris

(mostly french revolution victims, bones were transferred around 1786; Some people buried there are Blaise Pascal, Robespierre, Salomon de Brosse, the architect who designed the Luxembourg Palace, Charles Perrault, the famous French fairytale and fable writer, Nicolas Fouquet, Louis XIV's superintendent of finance)


In how many countries is French an official language?

29 countries


“En faire tout un fromage”

Literal translation: “To make a whole cheese out of it”

English equivalent: “To overcomplicate an issue/to make a big deal out of something”

(Its meaning refers to making something complicated (cheese) out of something simple (milk). Originally a tribute to someone’s skill, it’s now used to mock someone who exaggerates something’s complexity)


Quelle est la date aujourd'hui? (jour, mois et année)

onze janvier, deux mille vingt-cinq


French --- is on UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage list. 

Gastronomy(the practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food)


Since when has the Gallic Rooster been the national animal of France?

9th century (French kings adopted the rooster as a symbol of courage and bravery. During the Revolution, the rooster became the symbol of people and of the State(it was engraved on coins))


What African country has the most french speakers?

Democratic Republic of Congo


Aujourd'hui, c'est le onzième jour du premier mois de l'année deux mille vingt-cinquième, et demain c'est le douzième, mais nous serons chez nous.

Today is the eleventh day of the first month of the two thousand and twenty fifth year, and tomorrow is the twelfth- but we will be at home.


Quels sont les cinq pays qui parlent français ?

Belgium, Canada, France, Haiti, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Laos, Cambodia, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, and Armenia, etc. 


The French consume - tons of snails each year. 

Around 25,000 tons (wow)


What was the French army first to do?

Use camouflage 

(In 1915, the French Army became the first to create a dedicated camouflage unit as troops dug into trenches in close proximity, and often in the open, and the need for camouflage became greater. )


Where is France's spacecraft launched?

French Guiana (Kourou)