Translate this to English: Bonjour
What is rouge in English?
What is la bouche?
The mouth
What is neuf in English?
Calvin, Kelly, Addison, Malia
True or false: Aujourd'hui means Yes
How do you say black in French?
How do you say buttons in french?
Les boutons
How do you say 6 in French?
Lead the bonjour song.
Translate this to french: Goodbye
Au revoir
What's the color of a snowman's nose (in French)
What is "le chapeau"?
A hat
How many fingers do you have? (Say the number in French)
Dix (10)
Where do the mentors go to school?
Noble High School
Introduce yourself in French. "My name is......"
Je m'apelle....
What is the color of the sky in French?
What is the orange thing on a snowman's face (in french).
Le nez
Count from 1-10 in French
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.
How old are the mentors?
17 or 18
What does "comment ca va" mean?
Hint: We sing it during the bonjour song
Tell us the color of Calvin's hair in French.
How do you say "snowman" in French?
Bonhomme de neige
Let us know how old you are in French.
J'ai ___ ans.
Which mentor has two frogs?