How do you say, "Hi, my name is ..." in French?
Bonjour, je m'appelle...
How do you say "Can I go to the toilet in French?"
Puis je aller aux toilettes?
How to say " Santa " in French ?
Le Père Noël
How do you say " reindeer" in French ?
How do you say " decorate" in French ?
Is it Decorar
or Decor?
How do you say, "I am Australian", in French
Je suis australien/nne
How do you say "Can I fill my water bottle in French ?"
Puis-je remplir ma bouteilled'eau ?
Vrai ou Faux Angel in French is Ange?
Vrai- Angel in French is Ange
How do you say " Christmas Stocking" in French ?
Bas de Noel
Calcetine de Noel
Le Sock de Noel
Bas de Noël
How do you say " gift or present" in French ?
un cadeau
How do you say, " I am 10 years old" in French?
J'ai dix ans.
Ask how to say a word in French
Comment dit-on _________ en français?
How do you say "Happy New Year " in French ?
Bonne Annee!
Bonne Soiree!
or Joyeuse Noel!
Bonne Année!
How do you say " snow" in French ?
la neige
How do you say " Santa's sack" in French ?
Le sac du Père Noël
How do you say, " I love sports", in French?
J'aime les sports.
How do I say 'I don't know' in French
"Je ne sais pas" (on whiteboard)
How do you say " sleigh" in French ?
How do you say " chimney" in French ?
How do you say "Chocolate log" in French?
Buche de noel
How do you say " I live in Bunbury " in French.
J'habite à Bunbury.
How do you say "Can I have a drink of water" in French?
Puis-je boire de l'eau?
How do you say " Candy Cane" in French ?
Canne de Noel
Bon bonne de Noel
Canne de Noël
How do you say "cookies" in French ?
les biscuits
What is the name of the main meal they have in France on Christmas Eve?
La Nouriture or
Le Reveillon?
Le Reveillon