Name the direct object pronoun used to replace "them".
Name the singular indirect object pronoun.
What does "y" replace?
"à" and a place (or other prepositions like sur and dans)
Rewrite this sentence: J'étudie le français
Je l'étudie.
Rewrite this sentence: ils vont au magasin
Ils y vont.
Name the three direct object pronouns that are singular and do not replace je or tu.
le, la, l'
Name the plural indirect object pronoun.
What does "en" replace?
"de" and its object
Rewrite this sentence: Il téléphone à ses parents
Il leur téléphone
rewrite this this sentence: Je donne le cadeau à mon frère
Je le lui donne
What two things do direct object pronouns replace?
People and Things
What does the indirect object pronoun replace?
"à" and a person
Fill in the sentence with "y" or "en": Je vais --- aller.
Rewrite this sentence: Je vais étudier le français
Je vais l'étudier.
What is the order that all of the pronouns would appear in a sentence?
me, te, nous, vous, le/la/l', les, lui, leur, y, en
Where are direct object pronouns placed in the sentence if the sentence is present tense with ne..pas?
After the subject pronoun and NE but before the verb.
Where is the placement of an indirect object pronoun in a present tense sentence without ne..pas?
After the pronoun and before the verb.
Fill in the sentence with "y" or "en": Il ---- veut.
Answer the question positively using the number 14: Est-ce qu'il y a des élèves dans le cours de Français 3?
Oui, il y en a 14
Answer this question positively: Est-ce que tu vas envoyer l'invitation à nous?
Oui, je vais vous l'envoyer.
What are all of the direct object pronouns?
Me, te, le/la/l', nous, vous, les
What are all of the indirect object pronouns?
me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur
Technically, what type of pronoun and "y" and "en" considered?
Indirect Object Pronouns
Answer the question negatively: Est-ce que tu achètes la robe à ta mère?
Non, je ne la lui achète pas.
Answer this question negatively: Tu rentres de l'école?
Non, je n'en rentre pas.