What does DESCENDRE mean in English?
To go down; To descend
How do you say, "I wait for..." in French?
What does "ARRIVER" mean in English?
To arrive
How do you say, "I adore..." in French?
What is the verb ending for regular -RE verbs in the 1st person plural form/conjugation?
How do you say "we sell..." in French?
Nous vendons...
What is the verb ending for regular -ER verbs in the 1st person singular form/conjugation?
What is the verb ending for regular -ER verbs in the 3rd person plural form/conjugation?
What does ENTENDRE mean in English?
To hear
How do you say, "He hears..." in French?
Il entend...
How do you say "We listen..." in French?
Nous ecoutons...
How do you say, "You live..." in French? (informal)
Tu habites
What is the verb ending for regular -RE verbs in the 3rd person singular form/conjugation
How do you say, "You sell..." (informal) in French?
Tu vends...
How do you say, "They speak French." in French?
Ils parlent (le) francais.
What is the verb ending for regular -ER verbs in the 2nd person plural form/conjugation?
What does ATTENDRE mean in English?
To wait for
Translate the following sentence into French:
Vous vendez votre voiture rouge.
You are selling your red car.
How do you say, "I love school" in French?
J'aime l'ecole.
Translate the following sentence into French:
I study French at school.
J'etudie le francais a l'ecole