What does DESCENDRE mean in English?
To go down; To descend
How do you say, "I wait for..." in French?
What does "ARRIVER" mean in English?
To arrive
How do you say, "I like..." in French?
Put this in the negative: Je joue.
Je ne joue pas.
Correct subject pronoun? Descend les escaliers.
Ils attendent leur maman après l’École. Meaning?
They wait for their mother after school.
Vends la voiture. How many sentences? Say them all including the negatives.
Je vends la voiture.
Tu vends la voiture.
Je ne vends pas la voiture.
Tu ne vends pas la voiture.
What is the verb ending for regular -RE verbs for "we" formal.
How do you say "we sell..." in French?
Nous vendons OR on vend...
What is the verb ending for regular -ER verbs for Je?
What is the verb ending for regular -ER verbs for ils/elles?
Tu ne marches pas.
Subject pronoun? Joues le jeux video.
Elle perd ses devoirs.
She loses her homework.
Attendent les professeur dans le couloir. How many sentences? You need to say them all.
Ils vendent
Elles vendent
Ils ne vendent pas
Elles ne vendent pas
What does entendre mean in English?
To hear
How do you say, "He hears..." in French?
Il entend...
How do you say "We listen..." informal in French?
On écoute...
How do you say, "You live..." in French? (informal)
Tu habites
In negative: J'aime manger. Don't forget the apostrophe.
Je n'aime pas manger.
Marches souvent a l’École. Subject pronoun?
Tu marches souvent a l’École. Meaning in English?
You walk often to school.
Repondons a la question. How many sentences? Say them all.
Nous repondons.
Nous ne repondons pas.
What is the verb ending for regular -RE verbs for ill/elle/il/on?
How do you say, "You sell..." (informal) in French?
Tu vends...
How do you say, "They speak French." in French?
Ils parlent (le) francais.
What is the verb ending for regular -ER verbs for vows?
J'attend le bus.
In negative: Je n'attend pas le bus
Attendent les professeur dans le couloir. Subject pronoun?
ils and elles
Nous repondons a la question.
Rends les livres a mon ami. How many sentences? Say them all and include negatives.
Tu rends
Je rends
Tu ne rends pas
Je ne rends pas
What does ATTENDRE mean in English?
To wait
Translate the following sentence into French:
Elles vendent leur voiture rouge.
They are selling their red car.
How do you say, "I love school" in French?
J'aime l'ecole.
Translate the following sentence into French:
I walk to school.
Je marche à l'école.
Put in negative: Je veux manger.
Je ne veux pas manger.
Rends les livres a mon ami. Subject pronoun(s)?
Je and Tu
Vous vendez la voiture.
You (formal or plural) sell the car.
Descend les escaliers. How many sentences? Say them all including negatives.
Il descend
Elle descend
Il ne descend pas
Elle ne descend pas