The Estates
French Revolution
Reign of Terror
The Congress of Vienna

These were the members of the second estate.

Who were the nobles?


The storming of this prison on July 14, 1789 became the rallying symbol of the French Revolution.

What was the Bastille?


This was the more humane device used to execute the enemies of France during the French Revolution.

 What was the guillotine?


The invasion of this country marked the beginning of Napoleon's downfall.

What is Russia?


These countries fought France during their Revolution

What is Prussia and Austria?


This was the legislative assembly of France at the beginning of the French Revolution.

What was the Estates General?


This was the pledge that the members of the National Assembly took that they would write a constitution for France

What was the Tennis Court Oath?


He was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety and was responsible for the Reign of Terror.

Who was Maximilien Robespierre?


This was Napoleon’s system of laws that became the basis for much of modern European justice .

What was the Napoleonic Code?


This type of irregular warfare is characterized by things such as hit and run raids. 

What is Guerrilla Warfare?


This Habsburg was a symbol of deficit spending.

Who was Marie Antoinette?


This was the French document modeled on the Declaration of Independence that stated, that all men are created equal, asserted freedom of religion, and that taxes should be assessed on ability to pay.

What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?


This was the radical political party that sat on the left side of the Legislative Assembly.

Who were the Jacobins?


This was Napoleon’s economic plan to force the British to surrender due to economic collapse.

What was the Continental System?


This Russian tactic caused the French army to become hungry and cold

What is scorched-earth policy?


This French noble was known as the "the hero of two world."

Who was Marquis de Lafayette?


This event forced the royal family to move to Paris.

What was the Women's March on Versailles?


This event marked radical action by the sans-culottes as these kill nobles and clergy held in prisons. 

What was the September Massacres?  


This was the battle ended Napoleon’s Hundred Days of power.

What was the Battle of Waterloo?


He was the mastermind of the Congress of Vienna and he is given credit for the next hundred years of relative peace in European history.

Who was Prince Clemens von Metternich?


This popular finance minister was fired by Louis XVI 

Who was Jacques Necker?


This was the claim issued by the countries of Austria and Prussia that threatened to invade France and rescue the King and his family.

What was the Declaration of Pilnitz?


This radical journalist was killed in his bathtub. 

Who was Jean-Paul Marat. 


These were the three islands that were important in Napoleon’s life.

What were Corsica, Elba, and St. Helena?


This was the peace keeping organization set up at the Congress of Vienna to suppress any uprisings in Europe that supported the ideals of the French Revolution.

What was the Concert of Europe?