Dans cette saison, we don't have school et il fait chaud.
What is l'été?
Aujourd'hui c'est ________.
What is vendredi?
This is the fourth month of the year and it is spelled almost the same in both French and English.
What is avril?
This color and fruit are spelled the same in French and English.
What is orange?
In French, the number of legs on a cat.
What is quatre?
Dans cette saison, il y a des fleurs.
What is le printemps?
In French, this is the first day of the week, and it’s typically the start of the work or school week.
What is lundi?
This month marks the start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and comes after August.
What is septembre?
This word is a flower in English and a color in French?
What is rose?
This number is one more than the French word for forty-nine.
What is cinquante?
Dans cette saison, we celebrate a holiday with bonbons et il fait frais.
What is l'automne?
This is the French name for the day in the middle of the week, when people are often working hard to get through the week.
What is mercredi?
This is the only month where we don't have school.
What is juillet?
This color in French is gris, which is the color of clouds on a gloomy day.
What is grey?
This number rhymes with froid.
What is trois?
Dans cette saison, il y a Noël et Hanoukka.
What is l'hiver?
In French, this day is named after the Roman god of thunder, Jupiter, and itt comes after Wednesday.
What is jeudi?
This is the shortest month of the year.
What is février?
This color is spelled the same in English and French, but you change the order of the vowels.
What is bleu?
This is the lowest (positive) number in French that involves math?
What is dix-sept?
This weather phrase describes weather that only happens dans l'hiver.
What is "Il neige"?
Si (if) aujourd'hui c'est dimanche, hier c'était ________.
What is samedi?
These three months have accent marks in French.
What are février, août, and décembre?
This French color is used to describe the opposite of blanc and is often seen in night skies.
What is noir?
The answer to this equation in French 60 + 10 = ________
What is soixante-dix?