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Reign of Terror

This instrument was originally designed as a more humane way to die; one of the primary method od execution during the Reign of Terror

What is the guillotine?


a legislative body in pre-Revolutionary France made up of representatives of each of the three classes 

what is the Estates General? 


Before the revolution, this class had special privileges, and this class had special burdens. Name those 2 classes. 

What is the nobility and what is the poor? 


This was the government that was in charge during the ROT

What is the Committee of Public Safety? 


This event (prior to the French Revolution) was an example to Revolutionary members of France. It showed people fighting against their government for their ideals and winning. 

What is the American Revolution?


King during the early years of the French Revolution

Who is King Louis XVI?


this term refers to the period where the monarchy has fallen and the Revolution is becoming more radical. 

what is the second revolution?


summarize the response of other nations to the French Revolution 

afraid the same thing would begin to happen in their own country 

wanted to stop the French Revolution and reinstate monarchy 


This was the man that was in charge during the ROT

Who is Maximilien Robespierre? 


This event ended the monarchy in France.

What is the execution of Louis XVI? 

Queen of France during the early years of the French Revolution 
Who is Marie Antionette?

The term bourgeoisie means what in French

What is "middle class?"


This document made it possible to imprison or execute enemies of the French Revolution

What is the Law of Suspects?

Bonus point: which document made it easier for people to afford everyday essentials?


the estimated number of deaths from execution during the Reign of Terror

what is 40,000? 


Nobility fled France, becoming emigres, in order to escape the violence from the uprisings that happened in the summer of 1789. What is the term used to name the uprisings that happened across France, when the peasants fought against the nobility?

What is the Great Fear?


Leader of the Committee of Public Safety; known for enacting the Reign of Terror; his death ended it

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?

Bonus point: What were the 2 goals of the CPS?


Took place from July 1794-October 1795; France is attempting to reconstruct after the Reign of Terror; places the Directory in power 

What is the Thermidorian Reaction?


True or false? Make corrections if false.

"The National Assembly was called in 1789 to eliminate taxes to help with the debt from the Seven Years War."


The Estates General was called in 1789 to raise taxes to help with the debt from the Seven Years War.


this event ended the ROT 

What is killing Maximilien Robespierre? 


Put the following events in order: 

- Louis XVI's execution

- Thermidorian Reaction 

- Storming of Bastille and other popular uprisings

- Estates General are called to raise taxes 

- Reign of Terror 

- Tennis Court Oath 

- France declares war on Europe

- Estates General are called 

- Tennis Court Oath 

- Storming of Bastille and other uprisings 

- Louis XVI's execution

- France declares war on Europe 

- Reign of Terror 

- Thermidorian Reaction 


The death of this figure (July 21, 1793) ended the monarchy in France. 

Who is Louis XVI?


What is one word used to describe the "old way" or the "old order?" 

What is Feudalism? 


At the start of the Revolution, France was a _______________ (type of gov). By the end of the first phase of the Revolution, France was a ______________ (type of gov). By the end of the Revolution, France was  a ___________________ (type of gov). 

What is an absolute monarchy, a constitutional monarchy, and a republic?


What were the goals of the CPS during the ROT? 

protect France from threats within and without of France 


This event put the Directory in power.

What is the Thermidorian Reaction?