Events 1
Events 2
Reign of Terror

Name the social class of each of the 3 Estates.

1st Estate - Clergy (1%)

2nd Estate - Nobles (2%)

3rd Estate - Everyone Else (97%)


What event prompted the 3rd Estate to get gunpowder, weapons, and destroy the jail as a result of rumors that the king wanted to destroy the National Assembly?

This event also marks the beginning of the French Revolution and is France's Independence Day. 

The Storming of the Bastille


Angry mobs attacking nobles and supporters of the king, killing over 1,000 in one week.

September Massacres 


Who was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety?

Maximillian Robespierre


International meetings to have a peaceful balance of power in Europe, following Napoleon's reign. 

Congress of Vienna

Name 2 of the 4 causes of the French Revolution.

1. Social Inequality

2. Weak Leader

3. Economic

4. Enlightenment Ideas


Representative Assembly of France where each of the 3 Estates had a vote.



When a mob of angry peasant women marched from Paris to Versailles, protesting the rising cost of bread. 

The Bread Riots


This event marked the end of the Reign of Terror.

The beheading of Robespierre.


Name two reforms made by Napoleon at the start of his reign as emperor. 

- Bank of France

- Concordant (restoring Catholicism)

- Napoleonic Code

- Lycées (government run schools)

- Napoleonic Wars


Name 2 reasons why King Louis XVI was so strongly disliked.

1. Indecisive

2. Married to Marie Antionette

3. Spending habits


Name of event when the 3rd Estate was locked out of the Estates-General and they pledged to create a constitution.

Tennis Court Oath


This document established a constitutional monarchy and limited the power of the Catholic church in France.

The Constitution of 1791


The Reign of Terror was the use of "terror" to intimidate and destroy enemies of the revolution. There were two types of enemies of the revolution. Name 1. 

Foreign Enemies - Foreign monarchies wishing to invade France and restore Louis XVI and Marie Antionette to power. 

Internal Enemies - French citizens against the revolution


Napoleon's attempt to block all trade and communication between European countries and England.

The Continental System


Name 1 factor that contributed to the economic turmoil in France?

1. Funding Wars = Loans

2. Natural Disaster = Crop Failure

3. King Louis XVI's spending


A form of government where the monarch shares power with the government. In the French Revolution it ended absolutism in France.

Constitutional Monarchy


After the storming of the Bastille, a series of riots occurred where peasants attacked members of the 1st & 2nd Estates. What was this time period called?

The Great Fear


This law gave any citizen the power to arrest someone they suspected was an enemy of the revolution.

Law of the Great Terror


Name one contributing factor to Napoleon's downfall.

1. The Continental System

2. Peninsular War

3. Invasion of Russia


Name 1 Enlightenment Idea that influenced the French Revolution.

1. Equality for all

2. Right to remove bad government 

3. All men should have freedoms


This document ended The Old Regime, ensuring that all people are treated equally by law.

Declaration of the Rights of Man


This event marks the end of the monarchy is France.

The beheading of King Louis XVI.


What percent of those killed during the Reign of Terror were members of the 3rd Estate?



The French term used to describe the way Napoleon seized power in Paris.

"coup d'etat"