The French Revolution Begins
Reform and Terror
Napoleon Creates an Empire
Napoleons Fall from Power
Post-Napoleon Europe

These were the members of the second estate

Who were the Nobles?


This was the more humane device used to execute the enemies of France during the French Revolution.

What was the guillotine?


Schools created by Napoleon to train public officials

What are Lycees? 

The method of retreating and burning all crops and livestock in your path

What is the scorched Earth policy? 


The main leader of the Congress of Vienna

Who was Klemens Von Metternich?


This was the legislative assembly of France at the beginning of the French Revolution.

What was the Estates General?


He was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety and was responsible for the Reign of Terror.

Who was Maximilian Robespierre? 


Uniform set of laws established by Napoleon

What were the Napoleonic Codes? 


Napoleons plan to weaken Britain and strengthen Europe with a blockade

What is the Continental System? 


Plan for to prevent France from future aggression 

What is surrounding France with strong countries? 


Upper middle class of the third estate

Who were the bourgeoisie? 

This was the radical political party that sat on the left side of the Legislative Assembly.

Who were the Jacobins?


The two reasons that Napoleon sold Louisiana to United States

What is

1. To make money to support European Endeavors 

2. Give Britain a more powerful rival in the US


Napoleons last bid for power after escaping 

What is The Hundred Days reign?


agreeing that as many as possible of the rulers whom Napoleon had driven from their thrones be restored to power.

What is legitimacy? 


Event in which members of the 3rd estate broke into a prison to take guns and weapons

What was the storming of the bastille?


assembly that replaced the National Assembly in 1791

What is the Legislative assembly?


The overthrowing of a current government

What is a coup d'etat?


the use of troops or ships to prevent commercial traffic from entering or leaving a city or region

What is a blockade? 


a political situation in which no one nation is powerful enough to pose a threat to others.

Balance of Power


This was the French document modeled on the Declaration of Independence that stated, that all men are created equal, asserted freedom of religion, and that taxes should be assessed on ability to pay.

What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?


The two major reforms brought about by the National Assembly were the Declaration of the rights of man and  ____________

What is State Controlled Church?


Island in South America that France lost during the revolution but Napoleon tried to regain control of

What is Saint Domingue?


Napoleons naval defeat at the hands of Horatio Nelson

What is the Battle of Trafalgar? 


A series of meetings in which European Leaders met to discuss a plan for European peace after the defeat of Napoleon. 

What is the Congress of Vienna? 


a French congress established by representatives of the Third Estate on June 17, 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people.

What is the National Assembly?


These were the aristocrats and clergy who fled France to avoid execution when the Reign of Terror began

Who were the emigres?


a direct vote in which a country’s people have the opportunity to approve or reject a proposal.

What is a plebiscite? 


 loosely organized fighting force that makes surprise attacks on enemy troops occupying his or her country.

What is Guerrilla Warfare? 


a league of European nations formed by the leaders of Russia, Austria, and Prussia after the Congress of Vienna.

What is the Holy Alliance? 


a wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789.

What is the Great Fear?


in the French Revolution, a radical group made up of Parisian wage-earners and small shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in government, lower prices, and an end to food shortages.

Who were the San Culottes? 


Agreement signed by Napoleon and the Pope re establishing the Catholic Church in France

What was the Concordat? 


War lost by Napoleon to Spain, severely weakening his empire

What was the Peninsular War? 


a series of alliances among European nations in the 19th century, devised by Prince Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak of revolutions.

What is the Concert of Europe?