Reign of Terror
Misc. Trivia

Identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations, can be classified as this term. 

What is Nationalism.


This estate was made up of only 2% of the population, but owned 25% of the land, and collected heavy taxes from peasants who lived and worked on their land.

What is the second estate


This device was created as a more humane form of capital punishment, and was described as a "cool breath on the back of the neck" by its creator. 

What is the Guillotine 


This is the title that Napoleon took on that gave him the power of a dictator. He was 1 of 3 with this title. 

What is the first consul


This is the name of the French prison that was stormed during the Revolution in order to acquire gunpowder and arms. 

What is the Bastille


The “Age of Reason” - the period of rigorous scientific, political and philosophical discourse that characterised European society during the 'long' 18th century. Focused on reason, skepticism, and individualism.

What is the Enlightenment


This is the form of government found in France and most of Europe before the Revolution.

What is a Monarchy


This document was drated by the 3 Estates, and listed their ideals stating “men are born and remain free and equal in rights," including liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.”

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen


This nation eventually stopped Napoleon's invasion of Europe, after their scorched Earth campaign caused 400,000 deaths in his army during the harsh winter. 

What is Russia


This is the name of Napoleon's code of law, which replaced the feudal and royal laws that were currently in place. It was based in the ideals of the Enlightenment, but restricted many liberties such as freedom of speech in place of order and authority.

What is the Napoleonic Code


This is a 10% tax on a person's income, paid to the church.

What is a tithe

This major reason behind the French Revolution pertains to the French government spending more money than they were taking in, leading the country to go deeper into debt over time.

What is deficit spending


This is what the peak of the Revolution is known as.

What is The Terror


This is the title that Napoleon gave himself in 1804, after signaling he was more powerful than the Catholic church by crowning himself, rather than it being done by the Pope.

What is Emperor 


After being locked out of their meeting hall and fearing the King would disband them, the members of the 3rd Estate gathered and made this pledge, swearing to “never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution."

What is the Tennis Court Oath


A sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government is known as this.

What is a coup.


This assembly of lawmakers and consultants, who met in Versailles, proposed raising taxes in order to pay off France's massive debt.

What is the National Assembly.


This governing body wrote the second constitution of the Revolution, and changed France's government from a monarchy to a republic.

What is the National Convention


This is the sight of Napoleon's final defeat after he attempted to return and rule France in 1815.

What is Waterloo

This is the nickname the French people gave to Marie 

Antoinette due to her excessive spending.

What is "Madame Deficit"


The middle class and most powerful group within the 3rd estate. Was responsible for forming the National Assembly.

What is the bourgeoisie


This is what occurred when rumors spread through the country that nobles and the king were going to attack the people of France.

What is the Great Fear

This is the name for the third government of the Revolution, which was formed in 1795, was responsible for ending the Reign of Terror, but was also extremely weak and corrupt. 

What is the Directory


In 1815, the ally forces redrew the map of Europe and restored the kings who had ruled before Napoleon. This is known as the following...

What is the Congress of Vienna


This French Revolution leader is responsible for the Reign of Terror, which saw 40,000 people beheaded on suspicion of treason.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre