Causes of the Revolution
Estates General/ The Bastille
The Reign of Terror
Who Said it?

This leader only became king because his 2 brothers had died

What is King Louis?


This was a meeting of the three estates called by King Louis XVI  to solve debt crisis and representatives were sent for each estate

What was the Estates General?


This group was created after the National Convention failed.

What was the Committee of Public Safety?


After the Directory failed, Napoleon created a new government under this name 

What was The Consulate?


“I am tired, I barely have any food to eat and don’t have the money to get the things I need”

Who are peasants/Third Estate?


This was the name of the group during the French Revolution that were forced to pay most/all of the taxes

What is the Third Estate?


King Louis and Marie Antoinette were both executed because they did this.

What was Treason?


This person was the leader of the Reign of Terror

Who was Maximillian Robespierre?


Equality for all citizens, Religious toleration, and Advancement based on merit were all put in place by Napoleon with these rules

What were The Napoleonic Codes?


"I was married at 15, king at the age of 20"

Who was King Louis?


This country France helped with their own Revolution but caused a lot of Economic issues for France as a result

What is The United States of America?


July 14, 1789 is considered the beginning of this event

What was the French Revolution?


During the Reign of Terror, 17,000 people were killed by this machine.

What was the guillotine? 


Napoleon tried this method to stop Britain from trading goods with America and other countries 

What was the Continental system?


"We need to keep the revolution moving, if we don't all we have done would have been for nothing" 

Who was Maximillian Robespierre?


Enlightenment Ideas, An unequal class system, Economic Crisis and Weak Leadership are all seen as what?

What are the causes of the French Revolution?


This was the name of the fortress that peasants invaded when they got fed up with being ignored by King Louis

What is The Bastille?


At the end of the Reign of Terror, this is what happened to Maximillian Robespierre. 

What is executed by guillotine?


This country Napoleon tried to invade this country and it was seen as a colossal failure.

What was Russia?


"I am most known for saying let them eat cake"

Who was wife of Napoleon?


This event caused many to question King Louis' authority

What is The Enlightenment?


This new government was put into place after the National Assembly was founded

What was a Constitutional Monarchy?


This was the term given to when France would take over other countries and try to push revolution ideas on these people

What was "Freedom Fever"?


This was seen as Napoleon's final battle and did not end well for him

What was The Battle of Waterloo?


"I may be short but I more than make up for in how I was as a military leader and how I became emperor of France"

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte