Enlightened People
King and Crowns
Thinking in Thirds
Revolutionary Affairs
Importantly Inclusive

This English female thinker and writer wrote about how unfair it was that women did not benefit from the Enlightenment.

Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?


This lady is most known for her nickname, "Madame Deficit", and is often misquoted with saying, "Let them(the peasants), eat cake."

Who is Marie Antoinette


When creating a system to organize the Estates General, it was established that the Third Estate would have a this much representation at the meeting.

What is one Estate, one vote?


This promise made in a building across from the Palace of Versailles stated that the people of the Third Estate would not stop meeting until they had a proper constitution and government.

What is the Tennis Court Oath?


This staple of the French diet grew scare due to numerous seasons of bad weather leading to poor harvests.

What is Bread/Flour?


This French Philosophe disliked censorship and the harsh punishment of critics of their country.

Who is Montesquieu?


This king of France found themselves in incredible discomfort as they lived alongside the people of Paris for a brief period of time.

Who is Louis XVI?


While it often asked people to behavior like pious people, the men of this group often indulged in luxuries like food, clothes, and wine to the frustration of the Third Estate.

What is the First Estate?


When the monarchy and nobility was put out of power in France, this organization was the next target of the new government of France.

What is the Church/Catholic Church?


This popular general of French-Corsican origin, rose his way to the ranks until eventually being made First Consul, then Emperor of France.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


This French writer was a key critic in many of France's internal issues. They promoted a government of reason and logic over ones based on religion or pre-established values.

Who is Voltaire?


This former hunting lodge would become the central hub for royal affairs prior to French Revolution and the years to follow, such as the final treaty to end World War 1.

What is the Palace of Versailles?

This minister of finance found himself popular for their proposals such as taxing the nobility and clergy, but quickly found himself fired, infuriating many citizens.

Who is Jacque Necker?


Driven by the fears of the Jacobins that France was in danger, this period was dominated by the arrests of over 300,000, with 17,000 being executed, many of which being unjust.

What is the Reign of Terror?


Last convened 175 years prior, this organization was built to advise the king and provide ideas and resolutions to issues.

What is the Estates General?


This English Enlightenment thinker believed in the good of people and wished for them to be protected from oppression by having limited government

Who is John Locke?


While he lacked the military prowess of his father, this person was known for their numerous lavish contributions to the arts.

Who is Louis XV?


The kings of France pulled the people of the Third Estate into conflicts like the War of the Spanish Succession and Seven Years War.

What are unnecessary wars?


This place of royal authority met its end when people, frustrated by a lack of gunpowder, and now serves as a symbol for a national holiday.

What is the Bastille?


These individuals, mostly nobles, fled France and sought refugee amongst peers in another countries and brought fear to the people, partly causing the Reign of Terror.

Who are emigres?


An observer of the English Civil War, this Enlightenment thinker disapproved of English Parliament's actions and supported a strong central government

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


Often known as the "Sun King", this king of France is best known for their contributions to expanding France's borders at the expense of its economy.

Who is Louis XIV?


Wild parties, luxury clothing, fancy decorations and artwork, poor tax policies, frequent wars and other similar behaviors by the First and Second continued to contribute to this issue the people were concerned for.

What is national debt/debt?


This document, based on the ideas of the Enlightenment, promoted the ideas of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity to the French people.

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man?


After the return of France's esteemed leader, this battle would final quash their hopes of dominance and spell the complete end for the French Revolution.

What is the Battle of Waterloo?