What is the old political system called in which the people were divided into three estates?
Old Regime
This was King Louis XVI's escape attempt
Flight to Varnes
These schools were created by Napoleon to train competent and loyal people.
This was Napoleon's final battle where he lost to the Duke of Wellington.
Battle of Waterloo
Who was the most influential person at the Congress of Vienna?
Kelemens Von Metternich
The ___ was a period of panic and riot by peasants and others amid rumors of an “aristocratic conspiracy” by the king and the privileged to overthrow the Third Estate.
The Great Fear
What government body imposed the Reign of Terror
Committee of Public Safety
This is a vote of the people that Napoleon used to cement his power
This tactic was used by Russia to defeat Napoleon and consisted of destroying resources while retreating to ensure they would not be used by the enemy.
Scorched Earth Policy
What was the main goal of the Congress of Vienna
Peace and Stability
What were the Three main reasons for the French Revolution
Enlightenment Ideas, Economic Issues, Social Inequality
French Document declared all men are born equal and free. Ensured liberty, property, and resistance to oppression
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Napoleon introduced these to create one centralized set of laws.
Napoleonic Code
Napoleon's 2nd attempt at power is known as this ________
100 Days
This was formed by Austria, Austria, and Russia as a way to preserve conservative ideas in Europe
Holy Alliance
What made the Bourgeoisie different from the others in the Third Estate
They were land-owning and wealthy. Wanted political power to match their wealth but as members of the Third estate, they were powerless.
Who was safe during the Reing of Terror
No one
What was a result of the Battle of Trafalagar.
Napoleon gave up on invading Britain.
What was an effects of the Continental System
It Hurt France's economy, weakened but did not destroy Britain's economy, and led to many wars trying to enforce it.
How did the Congress of Vienna weaken France
Reset their borders to pre-Napoleon era, Created buffer states, Reinstalled the Monarchyy
How did France take control of the Church
Made the clergy state workers, Nationalized the Church land, clergy swore an oath of loyalty.
How did the Reign of Terror End?
Robespierre became too authoritarian and alienated his allies. This led to his death and a shift to a more moderate government
Why did the population accept Napoleon as an emperor when they just had a revolution against a king?
They were tired of war, and famine, and Napoleon brought back stability and security.
What was an effect of the Peninsular war?
Drained Napoleon's supplies, was a costly unsuccessful war, that sparked heavy nationalism in Spain.