American Revolution
The Old Order
The Beginning of the Revolution
Reign of Terror

The four groups that were in North America before the revolution

Who are the French, the Spanish, the British, and Native Americans?


The Wife of King Louis XVI

Who is Marie Antoinette?

This meeting was called by King Louis and involved all three estates
What is The Estates General?

This machine was used to execute over 17,000 people including King Louis and Marie Antoinette?

What is the guillotine?


This was the country Napoleon wanted to invade during the peninsular war

What is Portugal?


These two countries went to war over territories they claimed in North America

Who are Britain and France?


The estate with the largest population

What is the third estate?


"We will not leave until we draw up a new constitution!!"

What is the Tennis Court Oath?


This radical party in France rose to power within the National Convention and supported death of all those who continued to support the king

What is the Jacobins?


This gave France a uniform set of laws and eliminated many injustices. It also limited liberty and protected law and order above individual rights

What is the Napoleonic Code?


France Supported the Americans during the revolutionary war by...

What is by providing troops and supplies?


This estate was made up of clergy members

What is the first estate?


The first deliberate act of revolution in France

What is the forming of the National Assembly?


This law made it possible to arrest anyone who  by their behavior, by the people they talk to, or their writings have shown themselves to be enemies of liberty

What is the Law of Suspects?

Government ran schools set up by Napoleon to train future government officials

What are Lycées?


Ship's papers, legal documents, licenses, newspapers, other publications, and even playing cards were all taxed with the passing of this act

What is the stamp act?


These were the privileges of the first two estates

What is access to high offices and exemptions from paying taxes?


This government group replaced the National Assembly and was responsible for creating Laws and Approving or Rejecting Declarations of War

What is the Legislative Assembly?


According to Robespierres law, if you hold essential merchandise or food without using them or putting them up for sale daily to the public you are guilty of this crime

What is monopoly?


This was the strategy that led to Napoleons defeat in Russia

What is a scorched earth policy?


The American Revolution had this effect on France?

What is throw them into debt? or What is inspire them to have their own revolution?


The three groups of the third estate

What are the bourgeoisie, the workers, and the peasants?


These two countries went to war with France

Who are Austria and Prussia?


This ended the reign of terror

What is the execution of Robespierre?


After losing this, Napoleon gave up his hopes of taking over Great Britain

What is the Battle of Trafalgar?