Old Order
Revolution Starts
Who's Got Power?
Things Get Scary
Short Guy Problems

This French phrase describes the "old order"

ancien regime


This, known as the beginning of the French Revolution, is where the Third Estate gathered in a separate room promising to create their own government

The Tennis Court Oath 


This was the assembly of members of all three estates that King Louis XVI called to a meeting before the French Revolution

The Estates General 


This is the device that was used to execute political adversaries during the French Revolution

The guillotine


This man was able to seize power from the Directory and quickly became similar to an emperor / king as his power grew

Napoleon Bonaparte


This was the social class in France that paid most of the taxes 

The Third Estate


The Third Estate established this as the first elected legislature of the French Revolution

The National Assembly


She was the wife of King Louis XVI 

Marie Antoinette


This phrase describes the era of the French Revolution where more than 17k people were executed for being "counterrevolutionaries"

The Reign of Terror


This refers to belief in your country, the feelings of patriotism that spread throughout France as Napoleon won wars with nearby European powers



At the time of the French Revolution, he was the King of France 

Louis XVI


This document, inspired by Enlightenment thinkers, claimed that all men in France had certain rights

The Declaration of Rights of Man 


This was the most radical political group within the French Revolution that wanted to abolish the monarchy and create a republic 

The Jacobins


This man, the leader of the Jacobins, was a major decision maker during the Reign of Terror

Maximilian Robespierre


This refers to Napoleon's attempt to reform law so that it treated all French citizens equally

The Napoleonic Codes 


The Third Estate was mostly upset that they were forced to do what?

Pay most of the taxes


During this event, members of the National Assembly attempted to free political prisoners and take guns 

The Storming of The Bastille


This institution owned most of the land before the French Revolution, and was forced to sell their land and leave the country during the rule of the Legislative Assembly

The Catholic Church 


This law enforcement agency was really just a cover for the Jacobins to imprison and execute people they suspected of plotting against the government 

The Committee of Public Safety 


The first major defeat of Napoleon's army took place when he attempted to invade this place during this season

Russia during the Winter


This phrase represents the times starving French citizens would take to the streets to demand or take food.

Bread Riots


These people were called "the bloodsuckers of the nation who drink the tears of the unfortunate"

Tax Collectors


The King of Prussia and Emperor of Austria issued this statement, threatening to put the King back on the throne in France 

The Declaration of Pillnitz


For his commitment to the French Revolution's principles, Robespierre earned this nickname

The incorruptible 


What word describes the way Napoleon finally lost power, when he was kicked out of France and forced to live the rest of his life isolated on an island
