French Rev
French Rev

Who were members of the first estate? second? Third? 

1 - clergy

2- nobility 

3 - everyone else (diverse, middle class bourgeoisie and lower class peasants and laborers)  


notebooks that listed grievances 



What was the committee of public safety?

a board that ruled during the reign of terror


List a reform Napoleon instituted? 

  1. Opening up all jobs to the public based on talent

  2. Calling for religious toleration

  3. Making all citizens (male) equal in the eyes of the law


What was the national assembly

a revolutionary assembly formed by representatives of the Third Estate (commoners) during the French Revolution. It was created on June 17, 1789, after members of the Third Estate declared themselves the true representatives of the people of France.


Describe the ancien regime and who made it up

social class system, 3 estates (1-3)


Nobles that fled France



The Constitution of 1791 created what form of government?

limited monarchy/constitutional monarchy


What was Waterloo?

was a significant military engagement during the Napoleonic Wars. It was fought near the town of Waterloo in present-day Belgium. Napoleon Bonaparte, who had escaped from exile on the island of Elba and regained power in France, faced a coalition of European forces led by the Duke of Wellington of Britain and General Blücher of Prussia.


Who was the leader of the National Guard?

Marques de Lafayette


What was the tennis court oath?

a meeting where members of the third estate vowed to meet till they had a constitution 


a takeover of the government by a small group

Coup d’état


Who led the reign of terror? What happened during this time and why?

Robespierre, kill anyone that opposed the revolution 


Why did Napoleon crown himself? What did that mean? 

formerly pope crowned kings, symbolizing his power and significance 


What was the declaration of Pilnitz?

urging European powers to unite and not get rid of the French monarchs/monarchy

Why was France in debt? 2 reasons

- maintaining wealthy lifestyles 

-American Revolution

-taxing only third estate


Who were the last absolute monarchs of France? What happened to them? How were there deaths different?

King Louis XVI and Marie Antionette,

both died from guillotine, King Louis brought in carriage, Marie Antionette brought in a prisoner cart


Who killed Marat? Why? What did Marat think of the guillotine?

Charlotte Corday, believed she was saving France from his radical ideologies, Marat thought the guillotine was an equalizer 


How did Napoleon rise to power? 

Napoleon rose to power through his military successes during the French Revolution, which propelled him to political leadership as First Consul and later Emperor of France. He consolidated power through reforms and conquests, establishing himself as a dominant figure in Europe.


Where would those that supported the monarchy sit in the legislative assembly?



What was the symbolic start of the French Revolution? 

Storming of the bastille


Who were the Jacobins, name 2 prominent Jacobin leaders? 

Robespierre and Marat

members of a radical political club during the French Revolution, particularly influential during the period known as the Reign of Terror


What was the estates general? 

a representative assembly in France before the French Revolution, consisting of three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the common people


1) What was the result of Napoleon invading Russia? 2) What was the scorched earth policy? 

Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 resulted in a catastrophic failure for the French forces. Despite initial victories, including the capture of Moscow, the campaign ultimately ended in disaster due to the harsh Russian winter, supply shortages, and guerrilla tactics employed by Russian forces. The French army suffered massive casualties and was forced to retreat, leading to the eventual collapse of Napoleon's Grand Army. This defeat weakened Napoleon's hold on power and significantly contributed to his eventual downfall.


What was the main goal of the Congress of Vienna and why? 

to bring peace and stability to Europe after the Napoleonic Wars, 

reinstating traditional monarchies, and creating alliances among major powers to maintain stability and prevent future conflicts.