French Rev
French Rev II
Industrial Revolution
Atlantic Revolutions

Form of government French had before the revolution. 

Absolute Monarchy


What structure/fortification was attacked when the french rev. started?

The bastille

System of government where individuals own the means of production. 

Most important early invention of the Industrial Revolution.

Steam Engine


Explain why American colonists opposed taxes.

- Never taxed previously

- Saw new taxes as violation of tradition

- wanted representation in parliament


Explain the disparities between the estates and their roles in french society. 

1st and 2nd Estates - Church and nobility. All privileges, no taxes. 

3rd Estate - Everybody else, commoners. no priv. all taxes. 


What is the Tennis Court Oath? Why is it called that?

Vow to stay together by third estate as a national assembly to create a constitution for France. Done on a tennis court. 

Name one critique of capitalism made by socialists. 
Monopolies, divide between rich and poor, poor working conditions. 

Money or property required to start a business is known as _______. 



Explain how the American Revolution was influenced by the Enlightenment.

- Bill of Rights (natural rights)

- Locke's ideology in Declaration

- Separation of Powers in the Constitution


Explain divine right

King receives authority from God and is therefore the rightful ruler of France.


What were the two different factions that formed during the French Rev and what did they stand for? 

Jacobins - abolish monarchy (kill the king/queen)

Girondins - preserve some form of monarchy/nobles (don't kill king/queen)


Name one critique of Socialism. 

State has too much control over means of production, taxes too high, freedom reduced. 


What is the enclosure movement? 

Where large land-owners started buying smaller farms and combining them. Producing more food but eliminating farm-land and some farmers. 


Leader of Haitian Revolution

Toussaint L'ouverture


Explain the Bourgeoise and their role in the revolution in France. 

Wealthy merchants/craftsmen who had to pay all the taxes thought it was unfair. Promoted/supported revolution.


Why were the estates general unfair?

Each estate got one vote. 1st and Second estate blocked everything that third estate tried to pass

How did the French rev make many monarchies more conservative in Europe?
Nobles scared that horrors of french rev would happen in their country. (Execution of nobility)

Explain the difference between a cottage industry and something manufactured.

Made at home vs. made in a factory


Give a brief demographic breakdown of Haiti prior to its revolution. 

Large slave population - 500k

Small Free/mixed raced population - 25k

Small White Colonist population - 30K 


Explain the enlightenment's role in the French Rev.

French philosophes discussed enlightenment values in salons and pamphlets that contradicted absolute monarchy. 


What were 3 rights outlined in the declaration of the rights of man. 

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right of the people to create laws, right of a fair trial. 

Explain how napoleon used conservatism and nationalism to control France.
He provided stability after turmoil with different french governments. Defended france from foreign invaders. 

Why was Great Britain uniquely situated for the Industrial Revolution?

Natural Resources - Coal, Iron Ore

Capitalism - private property

Large workforce from enclosure movement

Natural waterways

Raw materials from colonies

Strong Navy


Why were the Haitian/French Revolutions so violent compared to the American Revolution? 

French/Haitian revolutions had pressure from within (nobles in france/white settlers in Haiti) and pressure from foreign invaders (coalition in Europe, French/British Armies in Haiti). 

American Revolution only had to deal with British military and did not suffer from division within.