French Revolution
French Revolution
Napoleonic Era
Napoleonic Era
Napoleonic Era

Who was the Bourbon monarch during the early phases of the French Revolution?

Louis XVI


What were the Three Estates which formed the Estates General?

Clergy (1st Estate), Nobility (2nd Estate), Everyone else (3rd Estate)


What did Napoleon overthrow in a coup d’état and when

The Directory in 1799


What did Napoleon name himself at first? What did he name himself later on?

The First Consul of the Republic. Eventually proclaimed himself Emperor.


Which battle led to Napoleon’s ultimate defeat?

The Battle of Waterloo in 1815.


What did the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Constitution of 1791 do?

Declaration of the Rights of Man: declared radical ideas for liberty, and equal rights for all. The Constitution of 1791: gave women additional rights, and pushed for liberty, equality, and fraternity. 


Women of the F.R.: What was the social situation like for women? Who are some famous revolutionary women?

Women gained rights through the Constitution of 1791 and overall participated in the F.R. through various events like the Women’s March on Versailles (5 October 1789). There was the Society of Republican Revolutionary Women. Some famous revolutionary women are Olympe de Gouges and Mary Wollstonecraft.


Which Nations made up the Quadruple/Grand Alliance?

Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Great Britain


What did Napoleon do for Catholicism in France?

Issued the Concordat alongside Pope Pius VII


What are the Continental System and the Scorched Earth policy?

Continental System: a blockade set by Napoleon to halt all trade between Europe and Britain; Scorched Earth Policy: military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy, used by Russia to defeat Napoleon


What was the Reign of Terror, who was in charge, and what did it do?

The RoT was a period of the F.R. in 1793-1794; The radical Jacobin Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety were in charge; it was responsible for the guillotining of thousands of people, dechristianization, fixing of wages and prices, and many mass conscriptions (leveé en masse).


What did Olympe de Gouges write and what other literary piece was it referring to?

The Declaration of the Rights of Woman; referred to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.


Who wanted to reinstate conservative ideals and push back nationalism?



When did Napoleon abdicate for the first time and where did he go?

4 April 1814 and went to the isle of Elba with a yearly income. 


Who did the Congress of Vienna place on the French Throne after Napoleon’s abdication?

Louix XVIII of the Bourbon Dynasty. 


When did the F.R. begin? What did the liberal phase of the F.R. demand, who demanded it, and why?

The F.R. officially began on 14 July 1789. The peasants and bourgeoisie demanded a constitutional monarchy (eventually the abolishing of the hereditary monarchy) because they were sick of their lack of rights, of the high bread prices, and the absolutist rule of Louis XVI.


What was the religious situation like during the F.R.?

The National Assembly abolished church tithes on 4 August 1789; In July of 1790, the state created a new church with elected bishops (Civil Constitution of the Clergy); the RoT brought large dechristianization acts under the Committee of Public Safety and Robespierre.; the Concordat of 1801 re-stabilized the Catholic Church under Napoleon.


What are some of the reforms Napoleon placed in action?

Reformed the educational system, unified France, reinstated the Church, centralized bureaucracy, a state Bank.


What were some of the “behind the scenes” / shady things Napoleon was doing in France?

Secret police, censorship, limitations of women’s rights.


What forces of thought did Napoleon spread throughout Europe and where did they take effect?

Nationalism and Individualism; led to the spread of revolts such as the German Students revolt, or the nationalist uprisings in the Austrian/Prussian empires. 


What did Jean-Paul Marat and Edmund Burke do?

Wrote literature and pamphlets on the F.R. and their radical views. E.B wrote his Reflections on F.R.


What famous people were guillotined during the Reign of Terror?

Mary Antoinette, Louis XVI, Georges Danton, Olympe de Gouges, and eventually Robespierre himself. 


Which monarchs were present at the Congress of Vienna?

Alexander I of Russia, Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia, Franz II of Austria


What did the Napoleonic/Civil code do?

French civil code promulgated in 1804 that reasserted the 1789 principles of the equality of all male citizens before the law and the absolute security of wealth and private property, as well as restricting rights accorded to women by previous revolutionary laws


What were the consequences of Napoleon’s second defeat (at Waterloo)?

Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena, rest of the deal at the Congress of Vienna remained the same as before, except France hat to pay 700million Francs.