Before the Revolution
French Rev - Un
French Rev - Deux
French Rev - Trois
French Rev - Quatre
Starvation and Unfair Taxation
What are the reasons for the unrest in France during the late 1700s?
Marked the beginning of the French Revolution
What is the Storming of the Bastille?
Agreement not to disperse meeting as the National Assembly until a constitution was written and ratified
What was the Tennis Court Oath?
Parisian working class who were friends of the Jacobins?
Who were the san-culottes?
14 and 15, respectively
What were the ages of Marie Antoinette and Louis when they married?
Built the Palace of Versailles and drained the French Treasury in the process
Who was Louis XIV?
Two groups that did not have to pay taxes under Royal rule
What were the 1st and 2nd Estate?
Established a proper judicial code and the autonomy of the French people; outlined man’s natural rights
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
First political group in power in the National Convention
Who were the Girondists?
Revolt against the National Assembly in the rural areas due to the banning of clergy and the sale of church lands
What is Vendee Rebellion?
Pushed numerous French into believing that their kingdom's old monarchical system could be (and should be) reformed
What is Enlightenment Thinking?
Group that not agree with the unfair system of the Estates General and broke away to form the National Assembly
What is the Third Estate?
Changed Louis' mind about accepting the August Decrees or the Declaration
What is the march of women to the Palace of Versailles?
Paper money issued by the National Assembly in France during the French Revolution.
What were assignats?
The name of the draft decree
What was the Levee en Masse?
The cause of a shortage of grain, which resulted in rising bread prices
What were crop failures in the 1780s in France?
Peasants and farmers revolted against their feudal contracts by attacking the manors and estates of their landlords, burning many to the ground.
What was the Great Fear?
Political group that started as a debate society and were composed of mostly middle class?
Who were the Jacobins?
Jacobin leader who was most radical of all
Who was Robespierre?
Program that outlawed religion in France and created a new calendar
What was the De-Christianization Program?
2 reasons for the rise in the number of unemployed in the textile industry in France in the 1780s
What are lower-priced imported goods and the industrial revolution?
Agreement in which French aristocrats surrendered their special privileges - freeing the rural peasants from their oppressive contracts
What were the August Decrees?
It offered French assistance to any subject peoples who wished to overthrow their governments.
What is the Decree of Fraternity?
Period from 1793-1794 in which many lost their heads by guillotine
What was the Reign of Terror?
What the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris was turned into
What was the Temple of Reason?