French Revolution I
French Revolution II
The Aftermath

Who was Robespierre?

The leader of the Committee of Public Safety and dictator during the Reign of Terror who ruled France through terror.  He executed 40,000 political "enemies" before being beheaded at the guillotine himself.


Who was the extravagant queen of France who spent freely and paid no attention to the reality of life in France for most people in the third estate?

Marie Antoinette 


Napoleon was named general by which body of government?

The Directory


Where did Napoleon die?

St. Helena


Who led the series of meetings after the Napoleonic Wars ended and set a plan for peace in Europe?

Klemens von Metternich


The phrase “men are born and remain free and equal in rights.” appears in which French Revolution document?

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen


The people of France were divided into three large social classes or _____________



At what age did Napoleon begin military school?



Why did Napoleon sign a Concordat with Pope Pius VII?

Many nobles and peasants wanted the Church's role in France restored after the revolution.  This established a relationship that recognized the influence of the Church without  Napoleon losing power to it.


What were the series of meetings in Austria that aimed at peace in Europe known as?

The Congress of Vienna


What was the social and political system in place in France before the revolution?

The Old Regime


What was the name of the time period characterized by paranoia and the murder of nobles in France?

The Great Fear


What was the comprehensive set of laws that Napoleon created called?

The Napoleonic Code.


How did Napoleon try to end corruption in the French government?

He created schools, or lycees, to train people.  He then gave jobs based on merit. 


Explain how the plan set up after Napoleon was a victory for conservatives.

-restored old kings to power (no Enlightenment/ revolutionary plans for government)

-Concert of Europe (resist future European revolutions)

-Holy Alliance (formed to emphasize Christians ideals instead of Enlightenment ideas that could cause revolutions)

-France returned to a Monarchy


Which radical group took over the government of France and sentenced Louis to death?

The Jacobins.


When King Louis needed to raise taxes on the people of France, he called together a meeting of the _____.

Estates General


What did Napoleon do to earn national recognition as a hero?

He defended the National Convention with his artillery unit.


What two major reasons drove Napoleon to sell the Louisiana Territory to the US?

He needed money and he thought it would hurt Britain.


Describe the three goals of the Congress of Vienna.

-Containment of France (keep French power from spreading)

-Balance of Power (no country should become too powerful)

-Legitimacy (Restored old kings/ governments to pre-revolutionary regimes)


Name three early events that led to the French Revolution that showed the shift in power from the King to the People.

Storming of the Bastille, the Great Fear, and the Women's March on Versailles

Who were the sans-culottes most likely to agree with; radicals, moderates, or conservatives?

Radicals.  The sans-culottes wanted change! (So they could get fancy pants, too)


Describe the Hundred Days.

Napoleon's last bid for power when he escaped from Elba only to lose at Waterloo.


Describe Napoleon's three costly mistakes.

Continental System - Blockade was widely ignored by allies and was weaker than Britain's own blockade

Peninsular War - created an enemy in Spain and lost 300,000 troops (rise of nationalism)

Invasion of Russia - Lost over 400,000 troops in a final military campaign.  Army no longer trusted him.


The French Revolution's long lasting effects could clearly be seen in the revolutions in _________.

Latin America