Before French Revolution
French Revolution
Fall of Napoleon
Congress of Vienna

Why was the Estates General called?

1st and 2nd Estate called it to fight the taxes Louis XVI wanted to place on them


Reign of Terror

Period when Robespierre was in charge from 1793 to 1794 approx. 40,000 people died 


When did Napoleon seizes power and what happened? 

1799 Napoleon had his troops surround national legislature which led to the directory dissolving and vote in three consuls with Napoleon as the 1st 


Continental System

blockade set up to prevent all trade and communication between G.B. and other European Nations


Containment of France

prevent future French aggression by surrounding France with strong countries


How were the estates set up (economically and population wise?)

1st- Clergy 1%

2nd- Nobles 2%

3rd- Everyone else 97% (took brunt of all the taxes)


Who was Jean-Paul Marat and why was he important? 

One of the most prominent members of the Jacobins 

Called for the death of everyone who still supported the king

devoted to the rights of Paris's poor people


How did Napoleon restore France? 

-set up efficient method for tax collection and national banking system


-reestablished Religion with limitations

-Napoleonic code


Peninsular War

Napoleon invaded Spain to get to Portugal 

lost 300,000 soldiers during this war


Balance of Power

To diminish France's power but not severely punish them 

they still remained a main power in Europe


What is the National Assembly and why was it important? 

 Renaming of the third estate- they would pass and reform laws in the name of the French people

Got rid of Absolute monarch and created a representative government (constitutional monarchy) 


Who was Robespierre?

Was leader from 1793-1794 of Jacobin

tried to create a "republic of virtue" 

got rid of Sundays/ religion and was known for killing people if they were less radical then him


What were Napoleons main goals? 

Control the rest of Europe and reestablish dominance in the Americas

Invasion of Russia

Invaded b/c Russia wouldn't stop selling grain to G.B. and competing views of Poland 

10,000 soldiers left 



to reestablish the ruling families that Napoleon may have driven out


Who was Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes and why was he important?

Clergyman that called for the third estate to create National Assembly


How was the legislative assembly divided and who fought for the most change?

Radicals, Moderates, and Conservatives 

Radicals wanted the most change


Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana purchase to the US?

-to pay off French debt

-to punish G.B. because the sale assures the forever power of the U.S.


What was the Hundred days?

Napoleon's last bid for power


What was the concert of Europe?

series of alliances that ensured nations would help one another if any revolutions broke out 


Explain the three reasons why the French Revolution occured

New Government Ideals- enlightenment 

Weak Leadership- Louis XVI was indecisive and listened to Marie Antionette's terrible advice 

Economic Problems- American Rev, Heavy Taxes, Marie

What caused Prussia to invade France? Was them invading helpful?

Fear that the revolt in France would spread to Prussia 

No led to Legislative dissolving the king and him being executed 

What was important about Napoleon's crowning as Emperor?

He took the crown from the pope and crowned himself


Which of the three mistakes was the worst and why?

Continental System because it led to the other two happening 


What was the MAIN goal of the Congress of Vienna? was it successful/ accomplished?

to stop the spread of democratic ideals 

this was unsuccessful, more people saw democracy as the best way to ensure equality and justice for all