The Three Estates
The Revolution
Reign of Terror
Napoleon's Mistakes
The social class the clergy belonged to prior to the French Revolution.
What is the Clergy?
This was the legislative assembly of France at the beginning of the French Revolution.
What is the National Assembly?
The new invention that allowed people to be executed in a humane manner.
What is the Guillotine? or What is the National Razor?
The archeological treasure found by Napoleon's men while on assignment in Egypt. This item was used by Jean Champollion in 1822 to decifer hieroglyphics.
What is the Rosetta Stone?
Immediately following this Battle in which Lrd Nelso led the British to a stunning naval victory over the French fleet off the coast of SW Spain, Napoleon decided that an invasion of Britain was impossible and came up with an alternative method of attack. A statue honoring Lord Nelson and this Battle is in a square in England also named for the Battle.
What is the Battle of Trafalgar?
The members of the Second Estate.
What is the Nobility?
This was the pledge that the members of the National Assembly took that they would write a constitution for France
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
The Radical revolutionary leader of the Reign of Terror.
Who is Maximilliam Robespierre?
The Name of the 5 man Executive board with a two-house legislature that was formed after the death of Robespierre and the end of the Reign of Terror.
What is the Directory?
Napoleon's economic plan to destroy Britain's trade through a blockade of European ports. This plan was a failure because of smugglers and uncooperative allies.
What is the Continental System?
The old order in which France was divided into three social classes.
What is the Ancien Regime? or What is the Old Regime?
After this event, the royal fmaily never retuned to the Palace of Versailles and lived in the Tuilleres in Paris.
What is the Women's March to Versailles?
What Leftist group of Radicals were the dominant political force of the Reign of Terror?
What is the Jacobins?
What Napoleon asked the people of France to do after seizing power in 1799.
What is to approve his position as First Consul through the Roman system of plebiscite?
When napoleon invade Russia, instead of fightin pitched battles against the French, the Russians retreated eastward, burning crops and villages as they went leaving nothing for the French troops to pillage.
What is scorched earh policy?
This was the name of the upper middle class of the third estate.
What is the Bourgeoisie?
At the Meeting of the Estates General, the representatives argued this issue?
What is the voting procedures? The Third Estate demanded that votes be counted by head rather than by estate.
The agreement with the Pope to restore Catholicism as the majority religion of France but be led by the state.
What is the Concordat of 1801?
A long drawn out war or series of battles fought in Spain and Portugal by the British and Spanish guerilla forces to stop the spread of Napoleonic power.
What is the Penninsular War?
The estate who resented the privileges enjoyed by their social “betters” and were burdened by heavy taxes.
What is the Third Estate?
The proper chronological order of the events of the French Revolution. Death of Louis XVI, Storming of the Bastille, Meeting of the Estates General, Tennis Court Oath
What is the Meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath, the Storming of the Bastille, the Death of Louis XVI?
The Committe set up by Robespierre who beheaded thousands of people for treason and imprisoned many others in order to restore order during the Reign of Terror.
What is the Committe of Public Saftey?
Standardized law throughout France, established the principle of equality of all men, supported the principle of advancement through merit (meritocracy) and guaranteed religious toleration.
What is the Napoleonic Code?
The Congress of Vienna promoted the principle of legitimacy through this action
What is restoring hereditary monarchies?