Key Events
King of France at the start of the French Revolution
Who is King Louis XVI
These are three of the reasons that peasants struggled in pre-revolutionary France.
What are paying high taxes, hunger, poverty, disease, high bread prices
The three main words that were used as a "slogan" for the Revolution
What is liberty, fraternity, equality
At the time of Louis XVI reign the government system in France was this.
What is an absolute monarchy.
Many consider this event the actual start of the Revolution.
What is the Storming of the Bastille/Fall of the Bastille
This man, a liberal and aggressive leader during the terror, tried to kill himself when he knew he would be arrested, but only injured his jaw.
Who is Robespierre
The French supported the American Revolution because of this.
What is they wanted to weaken Britain and restore their pride.
The King takes power in 1774 at the age of nineteen due to this principle of absolute monarchy and the fact that his grandfather had died.
What is dynastic succession
Our political spectrum, left being liberal and right being conservative, is thanks to this.
What is the seating at the Assembly.
This time period saw many advances in human understanding of anatomy and botany, followed by other advances as well.
What is the Scientific Revolution
This man helped to lead France through the end of the Revolution and for many years to come after the Revolution. However, he did not live up to the ideals of the Revolution once he gained his power.
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte
This invention, intended to be a more peaceful form of execution, played a huge role during the revolution.
What is the guillotine
This food is not only a staple of the peasant diet in eighteenth Century France, but is also becomes an important symbol of the revolution.
What is bread.
This political body was of little in France (it had not been called since 1614, but finally calls a meeting when tensions continued to grow.
What is the Estates General.
Though women were not allowed to vote, they played an active role in politics under the new government. A good example of this was:
What is October Days, or the Women's March to Versailles
Rumor has it that this woman, when she heard that the peasants were starving and couldn't buy bread, responded by saying "then let them eat cake!"
Who is Marie Antoinette
One example of counter revolution during the French Revolution was this.
What is EITHER: 1. the King's brothers and other leaders in Europe threatening a war against the new French gov. OR 2. members of the nobility and the army officers who did not support the new ideas. Many fled, but considered military intervention
Rosseau, Voltaire, Diderot, and Montesquieu are all examples of this.
What are Enlightenment thinkers.
The National Assembly, after months of trying to write a new constitution, settled on this as their new form of government.
What is constitutional monarchy
This event prompted the Assembly to vote to suspend the monarchy and disband so that a new assembly, called the Convention, could be elected.
What is when the sans culottes attacked the Tuileries Palace
This group of people did not really fit into any of the three social classes, but had their own category. Because of the state of things in France, they were hugely influential to the King and were considered the most important group.
What is the Clergy
This historical term comes from the French Revolution and describes a circumstance in which a reactionary moment in a revolution sees a radical regime replaced by a more conservative one.
What is Thermidorian Reaction
This document, written in August 1789, lays out the idea of equality all people in France.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
The Convention voted for these three major changes when they first met in Paris.
What is 1. abolish the monarchy and become a republic, 2. universal male suffrage, 3. to put the King on trial
This time period during "The Terror," is when over 1500 people were put to death by the guillotine in only 2 months.
What is "The Great Terror"