Before the Revolution
Start of the Revolution
During the Revolution
End of the Revolution
The Estate the Catholic Clergy belonged to prior to the Revolution
What is the First Estate
Who was the King prior to the French Revolution?
Who is King Louis XVI
What was the purpose of the Tennis Court Oath?
What is an Oath that they would not leave the Tennis Court until they had a new Constitution for France.
What revolutionary political party was considered moderate and eventually executed by the Jacobins?
Who are the Girondins
What was the purpose of the Revolutionary Tribunal?
What is to go after suspected enemies of the revolution.
The Estate the Nobility belonged to prior the the Revolution
What is the Second Estate
Who was the Last Queen of France?
Who is Mari-Antoinette
Why did the angry mob storm the Bastille?
What is steal gun powder and send a strong message to the King.
List three ways the Revolutionary Government tried to transform French society
What is: Calendar, Metric System, De-Christianization, etc...
Who was the leader of the Committe on Public Safety and the Revolutionary Government during the Reign of Terror?
Who is Maximilien Robespierre.
Name two major Privileges that of the 1st/2nd Estates
What is own land and did not have to pay taxes
Explain why the Estates-General was considered unfair by the Delegates of the Third Estate.
What is unfair voting rights
What document was written to insure the freedoms of the French people? List three freedoms it provided.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Freedom of Press, speech, natural rights, etc...
Explain the purpose of the Reign of Terror.
What is to violently respond to the counter-revolution within France.
Why was Robespierre executed?
What is people wanted to end the Terror.
What Percentage of the French population did the 1st/2nd Estate make up?
What is 3%
List three Enlightenment ideals that inspired the Revolution in France
What is Equality, Natural Rights, Gov. protect Natural Rights, you can overthrow the Gov, etc....
What was the name of the newspaper written by Jean-Paul Marat? What did he encourage through his paper?
What is the Friend of the People. Violence
What device was used to execute enemies of the revolution? Why was it invented?
What is the Guillotin. Equality in death.
List the five different governments that led France during the Revolution.
What is: National Assembly, Legislative Assembly, National Convention, and Directory.
Name the three groups that made up the 3rd Estate
What is Bourgeoisie, Sans Culottes, and Peasants.
Explain three of the five major causes of the French Revolution
What is: Inequalities in society, Ideas of the Enlightement, Poor Leadership, Finacial crisis, and widespread hunger.
Who were the three primary revolutionary leaders? What was the name of their political party?
Who is: Maximilien Robespierre, Georges-Jacques Danton, and Jean-Paul Marat.
What was the name of the 12 men that ruled France during the Reign of Terror?
What is the committee of public safety?
Why was the Directory ineffective?
What is corrupt, directors were weak, inefficient.