Enlightenment Ideas
That Short Man
The Great Killing
7 Years War
Locke argued that every person was born with this.
What is a tabula rasa
He overthrew the government of the Directory when he was only 30 years old at the time, but then created another with a new government.
Who was Napoleon.
This was an act to defend France from foreign and domestic threats, controlled by the Committee of Public Safety.
What is The Reign of Terror
Maria Theresa wanted revenge revenge for the loss to Silesia, so she built up an army to create in Austria this.
What is a diplomatic revolution.
In His essay "Concerning Human Understanding", he argued that every person was born with an tabula rasa.
Who is John Locke.
Montesquieu believed that England's government had this.
What is the three branches of government.
This code preserved most of the gains of the revolution by recognizing the principle of the equality of all citizens before the law, the right of the individual to choose a profession, religious toleration, and the abolition of serfdom and feudalism.
What is the Napoleonic Code
This city was where over 1,880 citizens were executed.
What is lyon.
This war was witnessed by the two major alliances: the British and Prussians against the Austrians, Russians, and French, with the help of this leader Prussia was able to defeat the Austrian, French, and Russian armies.
Who was Frederick the Great.
This philosopher identified three basic types of governments; republics, despotism, and monarachies.
Who is Montesquieu
England's government functioned through this
What is the separation of powers.
What year did Napoleon become consul?
What is 1799.
This was a democratic republic composed of good citizens .
What is the Republic of Virtue
This war ended with the Treaty of Paris of 1763.
What is the war in india
In his "Treatise on Toleration" he reminded governments that "all men are brothers under god"
Who is Voltaire
This was an eighteenth-century religious philosophy based on reason and natural law.
What is deism
This was an important factor in the defeat of Napoleon which was the unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols.
What is Nationalism
These two women which fought for the right of women, were killed in the Reign of Terror.
Who was Marie Antoinette and Olympe do Gouges.
This war was fought in North Carolina, between Britain, and France over these two primary areas
What is Waterways of the Gulf of St. Lawerence, and Ohio River Valley.
This doctrine was known for its french name, which meant "to let the (people) do (what they want).
What is laissez-faire
Napoleon was of two religions when he went to these two places; France, and Egypt, what were the two religions?
What is Muslim, and Catholic
What year did the reign of terror end?
What is 1794.
This year was when Great Britain had become the world's greatest colonial power.
What is 1763.
This woman identified two problems in her "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" which were.
What is women must obey men, and government is based on the power of monarchs.