Louis XVI/Marie Antoinette
What is the event that started the french revolution and when was it?
Storming of the bastille, in 1879
What is robespierre's full name?
Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre but Maximilien Robespierre would do too~
Who said the line "Let them eat cake", was is real?
Said to be a myth, marie antoinette said it
What is people's opinion towards Marie?
Likes to role play, very fond of crazy hair style and spends a lot of money
What did the mob believe? (ones that stormed the bastille)
they are going to bring great change to the world and that whole thing was for a good cause.
How is the tennis court oath a mistake? As in, it was not what the 3rd estate thought it was.
A not so clever person accidentally locked the door and the 3rd estate couldn't get in.
What's the name for his followers?
The Jacobins
What did Danton say before he was beheaded?
"The only thing I regret is having to die before that rat (robespierre, u know)"
What is their opinions towards Louis XVI?
Not so good looking, kind of slow, doesnt care about having an heir
When meeting the estates, what is the king's attitude towards all 3 estates?
When meeting the estates, what is the king's attitude towards all 3 estates? 1: Completely notices them 2: Same, shows hospitality 3: Gets ignored completely
What did they do to the people who were guarding the jail of bastille?
cut their heads off and paraded it around the village.
Who were the other big political party aside from the Jacobins, and who was their leader?
Girodins, the leader is Danton
I want her leg! I'll take her head! I want her arm!" who are yelling these out and who are they referring to?
Fish Women: yelling Marie Antoinette: victim"
Who died first on the guilotine
Louis XVI
Who is designed to be somewhat godlike and people paint him dead in a bathtub...?
Who was the leading character for the great terror?
Robespierre!!! MUHAHA
What is his religion? The name of it and the god's name?
Deism, Cult of the supreme being
What did they find and who did they find on the storming of Bastille?
Gun powder 5 normal prisoners 1 retarded prisoner What did they find and who did they find on the storming of Bastille?
A boat was stuck onto the hair, a 3d one...
What was one of marie's famous hairstyle?
What is robespierre trying to make himself look like when he made a new religion?
He wants to be god, cult of the supreme being.
How many people died during the great terror?
18500 to 40000 people
Virtue, without which terror is fatal; terror, without which virtue is powerless
What is the quote that Robespierre said about terror?
How would their escape to Austria be better, where could they have improved?
Do not get a 6 horsed carriage. Do not use their real ID Do not act as if they are really from the royal family
What does favorite thing marie likes to do? which is her favorite amonst all category?
role play, act as a rich shepherd herding animals.
What happened when robespierre shot himself? Why did he to that?
He shot his jaw instead of his head. He probably was too nervous or else he might have succesfully done it. What happened when robespierre shot himself? Why did he to that?