Creating a new France
The Nightmares
The Lead Roles
The end
the King and queens palace were there was an over abundance of money and food.
What is Versailles
This government type was introduced when the Legislative Assembly was founded, and when Louis XVI and Mary Antoinette moved to the Tuileries Palace
What is a Constitutional Monarchy
Robespierre declared this holiday on June 6th to celebrate his reign
What is the Festival of the Supreme Being
the tyrannical king of France
What is King Louis XVI
10:22 on January 21, the monarchy was officially ended
What is King Louis Exacution
During this period of time thinkers like John Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu influenced the French society and their opinions
What is the enlightenment
The day when people stormed the nearby cash of gunpowder and weapons to help defend themselves against the kings army
What is Bastille day
what was the quick and painless execution device that made killing people more efficient
What is the guillotine
The king's wife who was hated for her lavish spending
What is Mary Antoinette
July 13 a man is found dead in his bathtub
What is Marat's Murder
this system of social ranking caused an unbalance of rights, votes, and laws
What are The Esates
This group of people, lead by Maximillien Robespierre and Jean Paul Marat, received the control after the King lost power
What is the Jacobins
The concepts of martial law and suspension of the new constitution was initiated by these two Jacobin leaders
What is Robespierre and Dayton
The radical thinker who lead the third estate through the revolution
What is Robespierre
She is accused of incest and is sentenced to the guillotine in an open carriage
What is Marie Antoinette's Trial
This movement over seas depleted France's supplies, troops, and money
What is The American Revolution
The oath taken by the National Assembly to not leave the room until a new declaration was formed
What is The Tennis Court Oath
This policy was instituted in 1793 to stop alleged citizen led rebellions
What is the Terror
The leader of the san culottes who was murdered in 1793
Who Jean Paul Marat
To prevent a counterrevolution this system is put into effect to keep any one from rebelling again
What is The Secret Police
This social class made up 98% of France's population and became fed up with inequality in voting rights and paying taxes
What is The Third Estate
This significant document was created by the National Assembly and brought new ideas such as liberty, equality, and fraternity
What is the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizens
Robespierre, one of France's most historical figures, was finally executed on this day
What is July 27, 1794
He was an extrem Agitator who was loved by the people, he helped create support against Austria and Prussia
Who is George Daton
a period of time were there were 800 executions per month and a festival comparing Robespierre to god
What is The great terror