Moderate Phase
Radical phase
Congress of vienna/ miscellaneous
98% percentt of France's population belonged to this estate. The ______________ made up the 2nd estate, and the _______________ made up the 1st estate.
What is the 3rd estate? Who are the nobles? Who are the clergy?
After witnessing the atrocities that the people of France engaged in, __________________ took control over France as a dictator in this phase, because he believed that the poeple could not be responsible for ruling themselves. This went completely against his original views.
who is Robespierre?
_____________ is a sudden seizure or overthrow in government.
What is a coup?
establishing a balance of power in europe, strengthening countries surrounding France, and restoring royal families to their thrones were important goals/ accomplishments in the congress of ____________.
What is Congress of Vienna?
These five countries met at the Congress of Vienna to discuss the fate of Europe.
What are Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, France, and Russia.
This group of the Old Regime was burdened by heavy taxes.
What is the 3rd estate?
____________ is the symbol of the Reign of Terror.
What is the guillotine?
a uniform set of laws, stabilization of the economy, and government run education were all reforms made under __________________.
Who is Napoleon?
________________ is the event where the people of the Third Estate were locked out of the meeting hall of the Estates General and vowed to meet at this court until a Constitution was made and followed by the king.
What is the Tennis court Oath?
______________ is the idea of making no European country more powerful than one another.
What is the balance of power?
Enlightenment ideas and salons, the structure of the Old regime, and the American Revolution are all considered ______________ causes of the French revolution
What is long-term?
_________ and ________ attacked France during this period, because they realized that france was internally weakened and could be easier to take over. Also, France was the most powerful country on continental Europe and they wanted to make her weaker.
What is Austria and Prussia?
in the Battle of __________________________ the important lasting effect was that Napoleon gave up plans invading Britain, and had to find other ways to defeat them.
What is the Battle of Trafalgar?
_____________ is on July 14 and is celebrated as a symbolic end to the monarchy, and was when a mob stormed a paris prison.
What is the Storming of the Bastille?
_______________, __________________, ______________ are the three factions that resulted in the National Assembly. Where they sat in the assembly reflects those same political ideas today.
What are moderates, conservatives, and radicals?
_________________ is the medieval legislative body of France that divided France into 3 estates. and _______________ was created as result of the unfairness of that legislative body, because Emmanuel Sieyes suggested that this group should pass laws and reforms in the name of the french people.
What is the Estates General? what is the National Assembly?
______________ killed Marat because she disagreed with the violence he encouraged.
Who is Charlotte Corday?
_______________ is the economic system that created a blockade on britain to hurt them financially, and the _______________ war resulted from this because portugal refused to enforce the terms of this system. Also, ______________ responded with their own blockade.
What is the Continental System? What is the Peninsular War? who is great britain?
Napoleon crowned himself ______________ because he wanted to symbollically show that he was more powerful than the church.
What is an emperor?
_________was Napoleon's final battle before he eas exiled for a second time.
What is the Battle of Waterloo?
_________________ and ______________ are two important documents created during this phase, because they reflected Enlightenment ideas of a limited monarchy and freedom of liberties, etc.
What are the Constitution of 1791 and the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
The ________________________ was the group led by robespierre, and they were responsible for unleashing the Reign of Terror.
What is the Committee of Public Safety?
_____________ is the tactic that the Russians used to defeat napoleon's army by burning and ruining livestock and crops.
What is the scorched earth policy?
_____________ and ___________ were locations that Napoleon was exiled to.
What is St. Helena and Elba?
___ is a political faction who would sit on the far left and wanted a lot of change. An example of this are the Jacobins.
What are the radicals?