On the Eve of Revolution
The French Revolution Unfolds
Radical Days of the Revolution
The Age of Napoleon
English to French
This group of people made up 97% of the French population.
Who were the Third Estate?
Large groups of angry fish women stormed the gates of this palace in an attempt to murder the queen.
What is Versailles?
This young French lawyer rose to prominence as the charismatic leader of the Revolution.
Who was Maxmillian Robespierre?
Napoleon Bonaparte rises to power in 1804 and assumes this title.
What is the Emperor of France?
This group of men made up the highest level of French society.
Who were the First Estate?
France went into a serious debt crisis as a result of helping this country win its war for independence from Britain.
What is America?
King Louis is forced to sign this document in an attempt to calm the angry French mobs.
What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
This burly, outgoing, hard drinking revolutionary was a leader of the Dantonists.
Who was Georges Danton?
This loss marked a turning point for Napoleon.
What was the 1798 expedition to Egypt?
This group of men were organized by Sam Adams to stage multiple protests against British policies.
Who were the Sons of Liberty?
This much loved financial advisor to King Louis XVI was fired causing a riot in France.
Who was Jacques Necker?
The royal family was forced to return to Paris and take up residence in this palace.
What is the Tuileries Palace?
The mass execution of suspected radical opposition to the Revolution was soon known by this name.
What was the Reign of Terror?
Napoleon was crowned Emperor by this man.
Who was Napoleon?
The guillotine was given this nickname by the French revolutionary Marat.
What is the "National Razor"?
This prison and symbol of oppression was stormed and destroyed by angry French citizens on July 14, 1789.
What was the Bastille?
The French were angry at Marie Antoinette for her lavish spending habits and began to call her by this unflattering name.
Who was "Madame Deficit"?
The French Revolution did away with all of these longstanding traditions and beliefs.
What are the Catholic Church, Christianity and the monarchy?
What is one of the reasons Napoleon found success reforming France?
Won support across class lines, encouraged emigres to return, peasants had a right to land, middle class approved of economic reforms.
This Englishman immigrated to America where he authored a revolutionary pamphlet urging independence from Britain.
Who was Thomas Paine?
Widespread famine and shortages of this staple in the French diet caused riots among the people.
What is bread?
These newly proclaimed French "citizens" declined to wear the knee britches of the nobility and were called by this name.
Who were the sans-cullotte?
Maxmillian Robespierre created this celebration to provide the people with a higher power to believe in.
What is the Cult of the Supreme Being?
This man was Napoleon's only major military nemesis.
Who was Horatio Nelson?
This group of French Revolutionaries led by Robespierre met in an old monestary and were named for it.
Who were the Jacobins?