Revolutionary Beginnings (Section 1)
Reform, Terror, and War, Oh My!
(Section 2)
What Are You Gunna do Today Napoleon?
Whatever I Feel Like Doing, GOSH!!!
(Section 3)
Napoleon Falls, Then Rises, Then Falls Again
(Section 4)
Fixing Napoleon's Mess
(Section 5)
This event, which occurred on July 14th, 1789, represents the first PHYSICAL act of revolution and is celebrated as a national holiday in France to this day
What is the Storming of the Bastille?
The National Assembly adopted this statement of revolutionary ideals, which granted equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
Napoleon's army was defeated by the British in this country, though he managed to keep this news from the press.
What is Egypt?
This system, through the use of a blockade, was designed by Napoleon to make Europe self-sufficient
What is the Continental System?
The most influential man at the Congress of Vienna
Who is Prince Klemens von Metternich?
The French public called for a meeting of this governing body to vote for a tax reform.
What is the Estates General?
These were the two extreme groups in the French Revolution, one being a right-wing group of Nobles who fled to other countries in an attempt to bring back the Old Regime, and the other being an extreme leftist group who wanted equal pay, a larger role for commoners in the government, and an end to food shortages
What is the Emigres and the Sans-Culotts?
This French term, meaning "blow of state" is how Napoleon seized power and eventually became the dictator of France
What is a coup d’etat?
Alexander's army, rather than give their French pursuers precious resources, did this to ensure they would not have any food.
What is scorched earth policy?
Name one way the countries around France were made stronger
A group of 39 German states were loosely joined as the German Confederation, dominated by Austria Switzerland was recognized as an independent nation The formed Austrian Netherlands and Dutch Republic were joined to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands
This oath took place after members of the third estate were locked out of their meeting room
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
This group, led by Maximilien Robespierre, carried out the Reign of Terror, during which people who were thought to be enemies of the republic. This included anyone who opposed Robespierre, Marie Antoinette, and eventually, Maxamillien Robespierre himself
What is the Committee of Public Safety?
A word meaning "vote of the people", this occurred and led to the formation of a new French constitution, giving Napoleon most of the power he already claimed he possessed.
What is a plebiscite?
Napoleon lost 300,000 men during this war with Spain
What is the Peninsular War?
How long did the Congress of Vienna last?
8 months
The 3rd estates delegates named themselves the this, and focused on gaining power and making reforms for the people of France
What is the National Assembly?
This was the unofficial slogan of the French Revolution
What is Liberty, Equality and Fraternity?!
A comprehensive set of laws which Napoleon thought to be his greatest work.
What are the Napoleonic Codes?
Napoleon's final battle
What is Waterloo?
This French monarch lost his power to Napoleon, and then regained it after the Congress of Vienna
Who is Louis XVIII?
This group within the Third Estate made a significant amount of money and consisted of merchants and artisans. They also heavily subscribed to enlightenment ideals
What is the bourgeoisie?
This governing body consisted of 5 men and eventually decided to give Napoleon control of France.
What is the Directory?
Napoleon was defeated by the British Navy in this battle.
What is The Battle of Trafalgar?
Napoleon's last bid for power
What is Hundred Days?
The kings of Prussia and Austria entered a league which loosely bound them together
What is the Holy Alliance?