Problems Before
National Assembly
Reign of Terror
Three Estates
The social structure of France (having the three estates) prior to the revolution was called this.
What is the Ancien Regime
This is the primary purpose of the fortress the Bastille.
What is a prison?
This is goal of the National Assembly.
What is to establish a sound and just constitution
This was the machine used to kill tens of thousands in Paris and across France.
What is the guillotine
This estate collected tithes and owned 10% of the land.
What is the First Estate
This is the name of the person famous for saying: "Let them eat cake!"
Who is Marie Antoinette
Who gets their head cut off by execution and then placed on a spike?
Who is The Governor
The National Assembly was created in the Palace of Versailles by what agreement between the representatives of the 3rd Estate.
What is the Tennis Court Oath
He is the engineer of the Reign of Terror and will eventually be the last person killed in the Reign of Terror.
Who is Maximilian Robespierre
The third estate paid this percentage of the taxes for the entire country.
What is 100% of the tax burden
This much of the taxes collected went to pay off just the interest from the debt France owed.
What is HALF of the tax income
These were the two things the mob was looking for when taking the Bastille?
What is prisoners and weapons
This is the french version of the Bill of Rights drafted by the National Assembly.
What is The Declaration of the Rights of Man
Roughly this many people were executed during the Reign of Terror.
What is roughly 40,000
This estate lived their lives entirely based on status and tradition.
What is the Second Estate
This body of government had a voting system that isolated the third estate and did not meet for 175 years.
What is the Estates General
This many members of the Proletariat joined in the Storming of the Bastille.
What is 5,000 - 6,000
Name two things (one person and one object) which the new French rights were based off of.
What is the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the idea of John Locke.
The group that had over sight control over all parts of French government and were in charge of killing people during the Reign of Terror. It was led by Robespierre
What is the Committee of Public Safety
These individuals (a subset of an estate) were not allowed to hunt anywhere in France.
What is the Proleteriat
How did the third estate want the voting procedures changed in the governing body.
What is by head not by estate
This individual was part of the attacking mob and got shot in the neck.
Who is J.B. Humbert
The French Constitution of 1791 created this kind of government system in France.
What is a limited monarchy
The name of the club filled with radical left-wing politicians who helped create the Reign of Terror.
What is the Jacobins
How do you properly pronounce this word: "bourgeoise"
What is "boo-gh-wah-ze"