Governing The Revolution
Hodge Podge
Citzens Unite!
Concept Questions
A new method of execution designed to be quick and painless
What is the guillotine?
This representative body was the first to actively work to replace the old regime with a new form of government.
What is the National Assembly?
Last king of France, he lost his head to the revolution.
Who is Louis XVI?
The National Assembly replaced this governing body when they decided to change the course of French government.
What is the Estates-General?
This institution in France was primarily responsible for education, medical care and charity work with the poor.
What is the Catholic Church?
The wealthy nobles who decided it was better to leave France during the chaos of the revolution.
Who were the Emigres?
This representative body abolished the French monarchy and declared France a republic.
What is the National Convention?
This term refers to a person who actively works against rebels seeking to change or overthrow a government.
What is a counter-revolutionary?
This group of public citizens was primarily made up of the middle class, businessmen and merchants. They were educated and very active in the spread of Enlightenment ideas.
What is the bourgeoisie?
The period of chaos after the storming of the Bastille. It was characterized by peasants roaming the country ransacking the homes of the nobility.
What is the Great Fear?
The district courts of France responsible for enforcing laws- they could comment on the king's laws, but they could not overrule them.
What was the parlements?
This representative body wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
What is the National Assembly?
This law enacted by the National Convention limited the legal protections available to those seen as guilty of crimes and treason.
What is the Law of Suspects?
This location was the focus of an uprising of citizens looking to arm themselves when they were scared by the presence of the king's mercenary.
What is the Bastille?
Ideas like Liberty, Equality, Natural Rights and Government through the Consent of the People were evidence of which movement's influence.
What is the the Enlightenment?
The name given to the lower middle and working class of France who were often radicals working for more representation. Their name refers to their style of dress.
Who were the sans-culottes?
This representative body was created by the new constitution of 1791 and had the power to create laws and limit the king's ability to declare war.
What is the Legislative Assembly?
This term refers to a time when an extreme, radical government is replaced with a more conservative government.
What is a Thermidorian Reaction?
This was the first overt act of revolution that began the process that led to France's transformation into a republic.
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
This was an event that caused many of the king's supporters to question him and encouraged those that were working against him because they realized the impact of the revolution.
What is the Flight to Varennes?
Men over the age of 25 who paid the required amount of taxes.
Who were "active citizens"?
This sub group of the National Convention effectively acted as the main government during a time of panic after the king was executed. Their main purpose was to eliminate enemies of the revolution.
What is the Committee of Public Safety?
This person was the head of the Public Safety Committee and acted like as a dictator during the Reign of Terror.
Who is Robespierre?
This group of radicals famous for their violent speeches were the most vocal in wanting the king dethroned.
Who are the Jacobins?
These were the four reforms the National Assembly imposed on the Catholic Church. (provide at least 2)
What were: a. sell the lands belonging to the church b. priests and bishops were now elected c. reduced the authority of the Pope d. required priests to take an oath of loyalty to the new government?