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Underlying Causes
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Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?
Originally placed as a figurehead "consul" by Sieges in 1799, Napoleon gained power escalating to "consul for life" and eventually emperor. While he had done a lot to improve France while ruling, power eventually went to his head and his intentions were set primarily on expanding his territory. He was later defeated and exiled to the island of Elba, returned briefly to Europe, and exiled again to St. Helena.
The Treaty of Tilsit was between which two countries? Over what?
Russia and France; negotiated land divisions in Europe. France got the better half of the deal. This ends the Holy Roman (Germanic) Empire.
June 1789 - The 3rd Estate, now called the National Assembly, draws up a statement saying that "wherever they meet, they are in session" and kept meeting until a new constitution was made.
Tennis Court Oath
What were the three underlying causes of the French Revolution?
Absolutism, Social Structure, the Enlightenment
Prussia, England, Austria and Russia created which system immediately after the revolution to restore order and stability in Europe?
Congress of Vienna
Who was Jacques Necker?
A talented financial advisor hired by Louis XVI (16) after an increase in France's debt. He proposed the ideas of ending extravagant royal spending, reducing tariffs to stimulate economy, and *taxing the nobles* in 1787.
What was the name of the deal ensuring peace between England and France?
Peace of Amiens
July 14th, 1789 - Poor communication resulted in riots after French military drills were misinterpreted.
What were the flaws in Absolutism that made it an underlying cause?
It was expensive (taxed heavily on population, led France into debt), there was a lack of participation by the general population, leadership
The Congress of Vienna hoped to create lasting peace by performing which two actions?
Restoring the (hereditary) Monarchy, Balancing the power (containing French ambition by surrounding it with powerful countries)
Name and describe the groups within the Estates-General.
1st Estate: Clergy (1% of people, run Church, not taxed, own 10% land) 2nd Estate: Nobles (1% of people, not taxed, own 20-30% land) 3rd Estate: - Bourgeoisie (8% of people, taxed, bankers, doctors, lawyers etc.,) - "The Rest" (90% of people, taxed, peasants, farmers)
Which country used guerrilla warfare to defend against the French?
1789 - High bread prices angered women in Paris who rioted and went to Versailles to express their dissatisfaction to Louis XVI in this event.
Women's March on Versailles
Which king led France into greater debt and eventually backed down at the bluffing of the National Assembly?
Louis XVI
What government did France establish after the revolution that gave Louis XVIII the throne?
Constitutional monarchy
What moderate group did Sieges overthrow?
the Directory (3rd phase)
How did Russia defeat the French?
By retreating each time the French approached and burning the materials that could be useful to France. This left them with limited supplies when winter came, forcing part of the French army (with Napoleon) to return to Europe, where powerful Western European countries like Austria and Prussia defeated them in Prussia.
This event occurring off the coast of Spain caused Napoleon to realize that he could not invade England.
Battle of Trafalgar
Why did the Nobles (2nd Estate) pressure the tenants of their land?
Business ownership began to become more important than land ownership.
What situation caused the Congress of Vienna to give Poland to Russia?
The return of Napoleon from exile and his defeat shortly thereafter.
Name the 5 leadership groups (phases) of the Revolution in order.
National Assembly, National Convention, Directory, Consulate, Napoleon/Napoleonic Era
What system protected "legitimate governments"?
Concert of Europe
1801 - The Church agrees to give their land to the state in exchange for the ability to run their own affairs, appoint their own officials, and recognize Catholicism as the official religion of France.
The Concordat of 1801
Louis XV leading France into the 7 years war resulted in which two problems for France?
Loss of territory in North America, further debt
How long did the Quadruple Alliance last?
Until WWI