Key Terms
The meeting called by Louis XVI in 1789 to decide how to pay off all of France’s debts.
What is the Estates General?
The common people of France stormed this prison in 1789 and ripped it down brick by brick to take Louis XVI’s arms (weapons) and gunpowder.
What is the Bastille?
The leader of the Third Estate who became the leader of France after King Louis XVI was killed in 1793. This leader was killed in 1794.
Who is Robespierre?
An event that makes another event happen.
What is a CAUSE?
The machine used by the French Revolutionaries to execute all “enemies of the Revolution”
What is the guillotine?
Name a short-term cause of the French Revolution.
What is: -raising taxes on the Third Estate -King Louis XVI was a weak ruler -example of the American Revolution
This segment of French society was made up of the common people who paid all the taxes and were 97% of the population.
What is the Third Estate?
Instead of making France a democracy like he promised, Robespierre became this type of leader who had absolute power over the country.
What is a dictator?
The bloody period of the revolution from 1793-1794 when 20,000-40,000 French people were executed for being “enemies of the revolution”
What is the Reign of Terror?
Name a long-term cause of the French Revolution.
What is: -ideas of the Enlightenment -unfairness and inequality in the French society
When the Third Estate was locked out of the Estates General, they took this pledge to never to separate until they had a constitution that recognized their rights.
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
The grandson of the “Sun King,” he was a weak, indecisive ruler who ruled France from 1774 until he was beheaded by Robespierre in 1793.
Who is King Louis XVI?
This segment of French society was made up of the Clergy (church officials) who paid no taxes and were only 1% of the population.
What is the First Estate?
An event that happens because another event causes it to happen.
What is an EFFECT?
Name the cause in the following statement: “Many people in France began to demand their natural rights and a democratic government because they had read about those ideas in books by Locke, Voltaire and Rousseau.”
What is the ideas of the enlightenment?
This document of the National Assembly was influenced by the Enlightenment and gave equal rights to all French men, no matter what class of society they were from.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
The original French absolute monarch; he ruled from 1643-1715 and was extremely powerful and feared by the people
Who is King Louis XIV?
This segment of French society was made up of the Nobles (rich landowners) who paid no taxes and were only 2% of the population.
What is the Second Estate?
The new name the Third Estate gave itself to show that they were the “true” people of France.
What is the National Assembly?
This word means “going against one’s country,” Louis XVI was found guilty of this before he was sentenced to death in 1793.
What is treason?