Reign of Terror
Literature Quotes
The National Convention created this form of government for France in the new Constitution
What is a limited monarchy
The first estate was made up of these untaxed citizens of France
What is the Clergy
Napoleon was unable to ever gain land from this country
What is Britain
This head of civil law during the Reign of Terror was eventually killed by the same method he used to execute thousands of French citizens
Who is Robespierre
"A rose by any other word would smell as sweet
What is Romeo and Juliet
The National Assembly made the decision to do this to pay of France's huge national debt but it only made them lose the support of the first and third estates
What is sell church land
This was taken in a separate area during a political meeting of all three estates promising to not disband until a Constitution was made
What is the Tennis Court Oath
The Russians were famous for using this tactic to stop Napoleon from gaining to much traction into their country
What is Scorched-Earth
Trials and executions were carried out by this group during the Reign of Terror
Who is the Committee of Public Safety
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others
What is Animal Farm
The National Assembly was created by this estate
What is the third
The middle class, mainly wealthy merchants of France, were called this
What is bourgeoisie
Napoleon created this three-man leadership group when he took power, effectively disassembling the Directory and any semblance of a Republic
What is the Consulate
The Declaration of Pilnitz, a decree that this country would defend the French monarchy if attacked, only led the French revolutionaries to declare war on tyranny
Who is Austria
if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view […] until you climb into his skin and walk around in it
What is To Kill a Mockingbird
The Legislative Assembly gave voting rights to this group, only slightly improving the fairness of the new republic of France
What is male citizens
This man fought with General Washington in the American Revolution and eventually led France to adopt the red, white, and blue colors for their flag
Who is Marquis de Lafayette
This was created by Napoleon giving men full "ownership" and authority over the women in their family
What is the Napoleonic Code
During the Reign of Terror, this political party dominated the political landscape by running the Directory
Who are the Jacobins
The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. The brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh.
What is the Old Man and the Sea
The National Assembly grew out of this government body
What is the Estates-General
This man was fired from his job as financial adviser for his suggestion to tax the first and second estate to help bring France out of the economic depression
Who is Jacques Necker
The Congress of Vienna established this type of government following the fall of Napoleon
What is hereditary monarchs
Robespierre believed in using this to control the people of France
What is terror
Beware the ides of March
What is Julius Caesar