What is a philosopher that believed that man was good at first but was turned bad by the process of civilization; he was also the father of the romantic period?
What was the name of the event when the national assembly stormed a famous building b/c Louis was rumored to be calling foreign troops? What was the name of the event when a large group of women stormed the castle and demanded food prices be lowered and that the royal family move back to Paris?
March on Versailles and Storming of the Bastille
What was the name of the document that put church over state, state officials were to be paid by the state and were not required to pay taxes?
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Where did the storming of the national assembly against Louis take place?
The Bastille
What were the underlying causes of the French Revolution?
no representative form of government, social structure, economic crisis, and enlightenment/american revolutionary ideas
What is a philosopher that spoke out against challenges in the social order and that violence was not the answer; he was also the father of deism?
What were the two battles in which France won Vienna and Austria?
Battle of the Ulm and Battle of the Austerlitz
What is name of the document that created a limited monarchy without representatives and put the rights of man over the government body and ended the estates system?
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens
Which country's leader told his troops to burn all of the important cities before napoleon could get to them?
What were some characteristics of the old regime and who were some very important philosophers during the time?
classes based on birth, royal absolutism, no parliament/representative form of government Rousseau and Voltaire
What is a man who believed in a "republic of virtue", he was known as the "incorruptible", he also started the reign of terror?
Maximilien Robespierre
What is the battle in which the french were defeated by the British?
Battle of Trafalgar
What were a group of constitutions helped create a legislative body in the french government?
Constitution of 1791, 1793, 1795
What were the two islands in which Napoleon was exiled?
Elba and St. Helen
Define the following: committee of public safety, guillotine, the directory, legion of honor, continental system, and the new public school system established by napoleon
Committe of Public Safety was a group of 12 men that served as the executive with Robespierre as their leader. The Guillotine was a form of execution that was used so often that it became the symbol for France during the Reign of Terror. The Directory was a group of 5 men appointed by the legislative body to represent France as the executive power after the Committee of Public Safety. The legion of honor was a group that awarded people for extraordinary merit that increased nationalism. The Continental system called for a blockade of a country that was not very successful. The New Public School System taught boys how to act in society and instill nationalism in them that would cause them to enlist in the army.
What is a writer who published a newspaper that published the names of opposers of the government, this man was known to have a rare skin disease and very poor health; what was the name of the newspaper?
Marat and his newspaper "Friend of the People"
What is the war in which the french gained portugal?
Peninsula War
What was the document that established a relationship between the church and state? In this agreement, the pope agreed not to take land back from the peasants and allow protestants and jew to worship, while napoleon agreed to pay church salary and recognize catholicism as the "faith of the majority of Frenchmen".
Concordant of 1801
What were some of the examples of the reforms under Robespierre?
prices, get rid of old traditions and signs of old authority, sensor speech and press, redo the deck of cards, establish new jobs, metric system, abolish slavery in french colonies
Why was Louis the 18th not very successful?
He was lazy and the people disliked him. The soldier also still had faith in their old leader Napoleon.
What is the leader who made several reforms in france and became consul for life?
What was the term to describe the time when napoleon returned to france and redeclared himself emperor?
The Hundred Days
What was the code of laws that everybody had to abide by except for napoleon?
Code Napoleon
What are the differences in the radicals, moderates, and conservatives?
The conservatives supported Louis and were comfortable with a monarchy. The moderates liked everything how it was and liked their limited monarchy. The radicals wanted more change and a "republic of virtue" in which the people were judged on their good and the society was run through morals.
What were the overall results of the French Revolution
The French Revolution...