Causes of the French Revolution
Radical Revolution
Rise of Napoleon
Fall of Napoleon
European Reaction
Define estate (be detailed):
What is 3 classes of French society before the revolution: clergy, nobles, and townspeople
The first radical action of the National Convention was to ...
What is execute Louis XVI
What is a coup d'etat?
What is a sudden overthrown of government
Who did Napoleon seek to make peace with after he gained power?
What is 1) Catholic Church, 2) Russia, 3) Prussia, 4) Great Britain, and 5) Austria
After Napoleon was defeated, European countries sought to restore what?
What is the old order (monarchy)
What was the main reason as to why the third estate was unhappy?
What is they paid all of the taxes and had no privileges
The _________________________________ adopted policies that would defend and protect France from domestic threats.
What is Committee of Public Safety
During the French Revolution, what four groups was France at war with?
What is Austria, Prussia, Spain, and Great Britain
Napoleon's last military flaw/failure happened while trying to invade the ____________ city of ___________.
What is Russian and Moscow
What was the name of the group/peace settlement that met to discuss peace terms and future affairs?
What is the Congress of Vienna
During the Estates-General meeting called to order by King Louis XVI to discuss the financial issue of France, what argument came about between all 3 estates?
What is voting, third estate wanted more fair voting system
What 2 types of people were targeted during the Reign of terror?
Who are counterrevolutionaries and traitors
Did Napoleon support the revolution? Why or why not?
What is yes, he welcomed the change and saw it as an opportunity to advance in his military career/life
Napoleon was finally beaten indefinitely by the British and Prussian in which battle?
What is the Battle of Waterloo
What does the principles of intervention mean?
What is the right of one country to send armies to other countries to restore legitimate governments and order
The ____________ ______________ was the first step towards revolution and would be the first revolutionary government.
What is the National Assembly
Who was in charge of the Reign of Terror? (Full name)
Who is Maximilien Robespierre
Who did Napoleon work with when planning/plotting the coup?
Who is Emmanuel Siez
What were the 2 islands that Napoleon was exiled to? List them in order of when he was exiled:
What is first, Island of Elba, and second, St. Helena
Peace settlements rearranged ______________, was ruled by ______________ thinking, and adopted the principle of ________________.
What is territories, conservative, and intervention
List all 4 causes (in detail) of the French Revolution:
What is 1) social inequality between first 2 estates and third, 2) natural hardships such as food shortage, 3) changes in culture (Enlightenment ideas), and 4) government debt from war and frivolous spending
Describe 2 changes that took place as a result of de-Christianization:
What is *removed saint from street names, *churches looted/closed, *priests encouraged to marry, *adoption of new calendar, *eliminated Sundays
Briefly describe how the coup happened:
Napoleons brother tried to provide opportunity, Napoleon stormed assembly room, chaos ensued, soldiers burst in, secret government meeting granted Napoleon power
What were the two main factors of Napoleon's collapse?
What is Britain's ability to resist Napoleon and rise of nationalism
what 2 feelings did Napoleon's reign spread through Europe and the surrounding groups of people?
What are Liberalism and Nationalism