A response to the question "Ça va?".
Ça va...
The number 15 in French.
The place Anne travels to for her summer foreign exchange trip.
The translation of "It's cold" in French.
Il fait froid
The number of units we have completed in French I.
A response to the question "Comment tu t'appelles?"
Je m'appelle...
The eighth month of the year, in French.
The names of the two good friends Anne makes on her foreign exchange trip.
Brigitte and Richard.
The translation of "It is cloudy" in French.
Il y a des nuages // C'est nuageux
The amount of XP that makes up one week of Duolingo.
A response to the question "Quel âge as-tu?"
J'ai _____ ans.
The number 53 in French.
The reason Anne is scared when she arrives in the country she traveled to for her foreign exchange trip.
Her host family was not at the airport and/or she cannot understand French
The translation of "It is snowing" in French.
Il neige
The two places Miss Alley went to college.
Farmington, ME (UMF) and Sherbrooke, QC (UdeS).
A response to the question "Quelle est ta couleur préférée?".
Ma couleur préférée est...
The only day of the week that does not end with "di" in French.
The skill one of Anne's new friends teaches her at a party.
The four seasons in French
L'hiver, le printemps, l'été, l'automne
The online translators you are allowed to use (when you're allowed to use online translators)
WordReference and Reverso
A response to the question "Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?".
Aujourd'hui c'est... [day of the week, date, month, year].
The year of your high school graduation in French.
The charity event Anne organized when she went home to New York.
A clothing drive for unhoused people
The translation of "In the spring" in French
Au printemps
The best ways to contact Miss Alley.
Visit her classroom or email her.