
traditional thin pancake in france. often lemon juice is squeezed on it along with fruit

what is a crepe


Which 21-stage, 23-day, 2,200-mile men’s bike race is held each summer and ends at the Champs-Élysées?

what is the Tour de France

what is the capital city of france?

What is paris


Although often misattributed as a French invention owing to its name and history, what macabre beheading-device was actually first used in Ireland in 1307, over 450 years before it was first used in France?

what is the guillotine 


They’re often associated with France, but which breed of dog more likely came from Germany? (Hint: They come in toy, miniature, medium, and standard sizes)

what is a poodle?


French ham and cheese sandwich is called what?

what is a croque monsieur?


If you’re at a location in France, Germany, or several other European countries, which fast food place lets you order a beer with your Quarter Pounder?

what is McDonalds 


what body of water lies to the north of france?

what is the English Channel


What famous cathedral of Paris, France, opened in 1345, was made even more famous in an 1831 Victor Hugo novel that was adapted many times?

what is the Notre-Dame De Paris


which artist painted ballet dancers and horse races?

who is Degas


French tart with a filling made of egg, bacon, and ham. can be served hot or cold

what is quiche Lorraine


what holiday is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday

what is Mardi Gras?


France shares a land border with what country that also immediately follows it on an alphabetical list of the English names of E.U. nations?

what is Germany 


Italian Vincenzo Peruggia is a famous name in the history of art for stealing which iconic painting in 1911? One theory regarding his motivation for stealing the painting was that he wanted to return the painting from France to its country of origin.

what is the Mona Lisa


The Palme d’Or is the top prize awarded at the Internation Film Festival held in which French City?

What is the Cannes Film Festival


meal made from edible pieces of snail

what is escargot?


what saint was burned at the stake in Normandy 

who is Joan of Arc


The Alpine region of Europe includes Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, France, Germany, Monaco, Slovenia and what neutral country?

what is Switzerland


In France, the July 14 national holiday is called Fête nationale française. What’s it called in English? (Hint: The observance marks the fall of a French prison at the start of the Revolution)

what is Bastille Day


Which airport in Paris is the biggest and busiest in France? (Hint: It’s named after a French president)

what is the Charles de Gaulle Airport


deep fried soft doughnut squares covered in powder sugar

what are beignets?


What colour features in the national flags of all eight countries that border mainland France?

what is red


Along with France and Spain, which North African country is one of only three countries have both an Atlantic coast and a Mediterranean coast?

What is Morocco 


President Thomas Jefferson bought about 828,000 square miles worth of land from France in 1803. What name was given to the transaction for that territory?

what is the Louisiana Purchase


Which monument situated in the center of the Place du Charles de Gaulle commemorates those who died in the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars?

What is the Arc de Triumph