ER Verbs and Conjugations
Wishes and Invitations
What are the ER conjugations for the pronouns? Ex. J'aime jouer au foot. (You conjugate the aimer to aime when you are using je) What is the ER of Tu, Il/Elle/On, Nous, Vous, Ils/Elles?
|Tu - es| |Il/Elle/On - e| |Nous - ons| |Vous - ez| |Ils/Elles - ent|
What is the difference between Je veux and Je peux (Hint: meaning of veux and peux)
Veux = want | Peux = can
---Daily Double--- Answer this Question correctly. You can go all out and double your points (or lose all of it) or you can just choose how many points you get (has to be below your team's points)
How do you ask someone, ¨Do you like...¨. You have 10 seconds to answer this question correctly.
Name all the forms of être for each pronoun
Je suis | Tu es | Il/Elle/On est | Vous êtes | Nous sommes | Ils/Elles sont |
How do you say The United States in French?
Aux états-unis
This is a free question, what language can you all speak? (Answer in French)
Je parle anglais et français. (maybe espagnol?)
What are 2 ways to say I want... (something) and I don't want... (something)?
Je veux | Je voudrais | ------- | Je ne veux pas |
What is the difference between using à and en for a place?
À is using for a state, city, or a place in a town (except en classe, en vacances, and en ville). En is used mainly for a country.
What is the difference between tu and vous
Tu is used when you know somebody like a friend or relative (informal) Vous is used when you don't know the person really well teacher or mailman (formal).
Where is the Eiffel Tower? (Answer in French)
À Paris
What is correct way to use ècouter in this sentence? Nous _______ la radio aujourd'hui
What are 2 ways you invite someone?
|Est-ce que tu veux| |Est-ce que tu peux... (doing something) avec moi/toi|
Find the all errors in this sentence. Je parle français dans classe, je voyage en Paris, je jouer au foot au maison.
Dans classe is suppose to be en classe, En Paris is suppose to be à Paris, Au maison is suppose to be à la maison
What is the difference when using Ils and Elles?
Ils is for a mixed group or a group of guys, Elles is for a group of girls.
Where is Jean-Paul if he is watching Hunger Games: Catching Fire with 500 other people with popcorn and soda all over the place? (Answer in French)
Au cinéma
What is wrong with this sentence: Est-ce que tu aime parles francais avec ton perè? (name all errors for full points)
Aime is suppose to be aimes. Parles is suppose to be parler. francais need a accent on the 'c'. Perè is suppose to be père.
How do you turn down an invitation?
Je regrette, mais... (Doing something) Je ne peux pas... (do something) Je dois... (do something). Now go find a friend in your team nearby and 1 person gives an invitation and 1 person turns it down.
Tu es d'accord avec moi? Say the other pronouns with d'accord (means agree) Ex. [Pronoun] __________ d'accord
Je suis es d'accord Il/Elle/On est d'accord Nous sommes d'accord Vous êtes d'accord Ils/Elles sont d'accord
Which pronoun of être has a liason?
Ready for the Hardest Question of all of this review? Well get ready.
Where are we right now? Where are you after school?
Do jumping jacks while saying the conjugations for jouer for each pronoun (Do at least 20 jumping jacks)
Did you do 20 jumping jacks and say the correct conjugations?
Go find a buddy in your team and invite them to your house, party, and your soccer game. (You can accept or decline the invitation) DON'T FORGET, you can use Oui, bien sûr... Oui, merci... Oui, d'accord... or Je veux bien
Did you successfully invite your buddy to your events? Or did they turn you down on the invitation?
---Daily Double--- -Challenge Question--- Answer this Question correctly. You can go all out and double your points (or lose all of it) or you can just choose how many points you get (the bet has to be within your team's points)
Name are 10 things you can do (Must end with ER) Ex. téléphoner, manger, etc. (Cannot use these examples) You have 10 seconds to answer this question correctly.
Name all the types of Être for each pronoun while jogging in place.
Did you jog and said the forms of être correctly?
Do 5 push-ups and answer this. What is the difference between où and ou
Did you do 5 push-ups and answer the question?