Managing Time
Social Media & Media Literacy
Stress & Self-Care

Procrastination refers to waiting until the last minute to complete a task. While it sometimes comes down to time management, it may also relate to this: _____ regulation.

What is affect (emotion) regulation. 

Recall: procrastination is not about is about anxiety.


This financial planning tool helps you plan the way you spend and save your money. It is about planning, making decisions, and prioritizing your goals.

What is a budget.


To be a self-advocate, you should understand your ____ and responsibilities.

What are rights.


Name 5 social media platforms 

What are:



A simple way to relax by engaging your parasympathic nervous system. You can do it pretty much anywhere, and it only takes a minute or two. 

What is breathing (diaphragmatic, belly breathing).


This type of "monster" may come out to play as a deadline approaches (and may help you get things done). 

What is the panic monster.


You should opt for this type of bank account for day-to-day banking, because with this type of account you can make several transactions (without fees!) and write cheques. However, you typically do not earn interest on these types of accounts. 

What is a chequing account. 


True or false: you must tell a teacher or employer about a disability.

False- what you choose to disclose and to whom is your choice and is up to you. 

Rule of thumb – if you do not require something like an accommodation or added support, you generally do not disclose. 


Most advertisements are easy to spot. However sponsored content ads blend in with its surroundings so well that unless you look closely, you might never realize you’re looking at an ad. What is one method you can use to identify potentially sponsored content?

What are: 

a) Check the byline of an article or the description of a picture/video and look for any language that could suggest the content has been paid for (eg. "sponsored by")

b) Check the fine print - you may have to read carefully to see the article has been sponsored by a company or brand

c) others? 


A state of active attention to the present moment. It is also being aware and non-judgmental about thoughts and feelings.

What is mindfulness.


This "pet" lives inside the mind of a procrastinator and tries to sway the rational decision-maker to do the easy and fun thing. 

What is the "Instant Gratification Monkey".


True or false: your credit report is the same as your credit score. 

False: Your credit report contains information on 7-10 years' worth of your credit use and activity. Your credit score is a three-digit number, calculated based on the information in your credit report.


You are entitled to ask for <<this>>, should you require a modification or adjustment to a study or work environment or task for reasons related to your health, in order to participate as fully as possible.

What is: a (reasonable) accommodation.

"Mass" media, such as newspapers, magazines and TV, refers to media that is unidirectional and flows from a small group of content producers to the mass audience. 

Conversely, <<this>> form of media refers to a flow of information that is multidirectional; any user has the power to become information producers and distributers to reach out to the "mass" audience.

What is: social media. 


Name 3 things you can do to for self-care.

What are:
- Exercising
- Creativity & expression e.g. art, music, writing
- Doing a hobby, things that bring you joy
- Spending time with others
- Setting boundaries
- Getting enough sleep, eating well, caring for self
- Doing something relaxing, etc.


The "Eisenhower Matrix" helps us to prioritize tasks. What are the two dimensions of the Matrix?

hint: one dimension starts with the letter "U", the other dimension starts with the letter "I"  

What are: urgency and importance



Simple interest is calculated as a % of the amount you borrow, whereas this type of interest is calculated as a % of the money you owe.

What is compound interest.


This interpersonal effectiveness DBT skill can be used to: ask for something you want/need, resolve conflicts and effectively say no when you need to. 

What is DEAR MAN.

*BONUS points: what does each letter stand for?


This two-word phrase refers to irrelevant attacks on the person making an argument, instead of addressing the person's argument or position itself, and is one example of media bias. 

What is an ad hominem attack. 


This type of positive stress is known as:
a) stress
b) eustress
c) distress

What is b) eustress


Which of the following is NOT a time management tool:

a) daily planner
b) timer/alarm
c) accountability buddy/body double 
d) abacus 

What is d) abacus. 


Name two things to consider in selecting a credit card

- Interest rate (APR%)
- Annual fee
- Rewards
- Secured/Unsecured
- Fee for cash advance
- Other fees (e.g. one-time service fees)


Self-advocacy does not include the following:

a) Problem-solving
b) Making informed decisions
c) Making demands 

What is: c) making demands


Which of the following are core concepts of media literacy (select all that apply): 

a) all messages are constructed
b) different people experience the same media message differently
c) media have embedded values and points of view
d) most media messages are organized to gain profit and/or power

What are: all of them! 

a) all messages are constructed
b) different people experience the same media message differently
c) media have embedded values and points of view
d) most media messages are organized to gain profit and/or power


When faced with a perceived threat, your body may automatically respond in one of these 6 ways (note: all begin with the same consonant).  

What are:
