I know who my counselor is based on...
My last name
A-Dj= Schoch
Do-Kh= Addessi
Ki-Mem= Nguyen
Men-Sha= Strausheim
She-Z= Adams
Things I can do on Naviance include.... (name at least two)
College and Career Planning; Self Exploration; Resume building; Goal Setting
The "p" stands for ____ on my transcript
"college prep" (aka an academic class)
In order to be eligible for CSU/UC admission, I must complete all of the A-G requirements with the grade of ____ or higher.
The username and password to access my naviance account are..
Username: Your grad year + Last name + First name (23smithjohn)
Password: long ID number
Under which tab on Naviance can I locate assessments to take where I can learn more about myself?
"About Me"
This is the minimum grade needed to pass a class
D- (an F receives no credit)
True or false.... If i receive a D or F in a class and repeat the course for a better grade, the original D or F grade will be removed from my transcript
The D or F grade will remain on your transcript, though it will not calculate into your GPA
The name of the survey we completed with Ms. Gatlin in January of this year
What is The Career Cluster Finder
Summer school can be used to...
REPEAT D or F grades; Earn credits toward graduation (Health, PE, Art, Creative Writing)