Narrative Writing
The Heroic Journey
Literary Skills & Elements
Class Texts!

A story or account of events is this. 

What is a narrative? 


This infamous man is credited for having come up with the steps of the hero's journey. 

Who is Campbell? 


These are the 2 types of characterization. 

What are direct and indirect characterization. 


Name the title and author (full name) of 2 texts we discussed in class. 

What are: The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins), American Born Chinese (Gene Yuang), Stargirl (Jerry Spinelli), A Sound of Thunder (Ray Bradbury)


When writing a summary, we look to the 5 these to help us write it. 

What are the 5ws (who, what, where, when, why?)


Name the term for the "turning point" of a story and then give me an example from a text we have read/movie you have watched. 

What is the climax? EX: Rue's death in The Hunger Games? 


The hero's journey is a this; another word for a large-scale pattern that appears in texts/art/cultures throughout history and around the world. 

What is an archetype? 


This is what STEAL stands for and why/when we use it. 

What is: SPEECH, THOUGHTS, EFFECTS ON OTHERS, ACTIONS & LOOKS--we use it to indirectly characterize/make inferences about characters in literature? 


Identify an internal and an external conflict in: Stargirl (CP) / "A Sound of Thunder" (Honors)

What are: 

- Leo struggling to decide whether to invite Stargirl onto the Hot Seat (internal) and when Hillari Kimble slaps Stargirl in the lunchroom (external)

- Eckels guilt and regret over shooting the dinosaur (internal) and Travis blaming and scolding Eckels for stepping off the path (external)


Name 3 elements that should appear in a strong introduction paragraph. 

What are a hook, a bridge, and a thesis statement? 


Name the part of the plot diagram where the conflict is introduced, then tell me the 2 types of conflict we see in literature. 

What are: the rising action and internal/external conflict? 


Name all steps in the hero's journey in order. 

What are: call to action, crossing the threshold, challenges/trials, special weapon, transformation, return home? 

HONORS- unusual birth, call to action, crossing the threshold, mentor, special weapon, challenges/trials, the abyss/temptation, the transformation, return home, mastery of the 2 worlds. 


Name and explain the 5 types of imagery. 

What are: visual (sight), auditory (sound), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste) & tactile (touch)


In 5 sentences, offer a summary of: The Hunger Games (CP) / American Born Chinese (Honors)

What is: Ms. Shkreli will let you know if you're right:)


Explain what goes into a strong thesis statement. 

What are: author's last name, title of text, direct language from the prompt, specific reasons/ideas you will be writing about in your body paragraphs? 

These are the 2 parts of the plot diagram that come after the climax? 

What are the falling action and resolution? 


Many critics state that Katniss Everdeen fails this step of the heroic journey, due to the fact that she cannot forget her time in the games and her love connection with Peeta when she arrives at the Victor's Village. 

What is: mastery of the 2 worlds/return home? 


The universal, underlying message an author tries to portray in their story. 

What is theme? 


Identify a major theme present in The Hunger Games  and express it in the form of a thematic statement. 

What is: in order to survive, people are often forced out of their comfort zones and do things they later regret. 


When placing textual evidence in our writing, we should always do these 2 things. 

What are introduce the quote with a phrase and cite the page number in parenthesis at the end of the quotation? 


Identify each part of the plot diagram for a text we have read in class (Stargirl, Hunger Games, American Born Chinese, Sound of Thunder). 

What are...Ms. Shkreli will tell you if you are correct :) 

Choose a heroic journey from film/tv/literature. Then, give me an example of each step in action. 

What is: Ms. Shkreli will tell you when you answer :)


Identify 2 symbols from The Hunger Games and explain what larger idea or concept they represent. 

What are; flowers (hope for a better future, Rue's innocence) and fire (rage against injustice, passion) 


Identify all 5 elements of plot structure for The Hunger Games. 

Exposition: When we learn about Katniss, her sister/mother/Peeta, Haymitch, and the capitol on Reaping Day

Rising Action: After volunteering for the games, Katniss has to learn how to work with Peeta/Haymitch and understand what it means to survive once she enters the arena. 

Climax: Rue's death makes us wonder: is this the end of Katniss's sanity/will she make it? Instead, this empowers Katniss to fully embrace winning the games and spiting the Capitol. 

Falling Action: Katniss begins to accept her feelings for Peeta & uses them to help her win the games, choosing to eat the berries. 

Resolution: The games are over and the capitol has been "tricked," thus questioning its overall power. Katniss returns home 


Name all 5 things that DO NOT appear in strong thematic statements. 

What are: cliches, orders/directives, specific literary names/characters, plot summaries, absolute terms?